Clin Med Bronchitis, Bronchiolitis, Croup Flashcards
Type of course for viral respiratory bronchitis
What are common viruses that cause acute bronchitis
How often is acute bronchitis caused by bacterial infection
not really ever
*exception in airway abnormalities like intubation and tracheostomy
How long can acute bronchitis cough last
1-2 weeks, up to 4-6 weeks
acute bronchitis S&S
- cough (w/ or w/o sputum)
- upper airway congestion, rhinitis, chest congestions
- wheezing secondary to bronchospasm
- rhonchi - clears with cough
Bronchitis vs. pneumonia
- fever
- system sx
- breath sounds
- percussion findings
- labs
- afebrile
- lack of systemic sx
- rhonchi, clear with cough
- percussion/egophany normal
- unremarkable labs typically
- febrile
- chills, rigors, lack of appetite
- rhonchi, rales, decreased breath sounds
- dullness to percussion due to consolidation
- abnormal labs
How to dx. acute bronchitis
mostly clinical, no lab or radiology usually needed
Great way to distinguish between acute bronchitis and pneumonia?
- bronchitis: perihilar congestion, non-specific findings
- pneumonia: consolidations and interstitial infiltrate
When to order a CXR for respiratory issue?
Abnormal vital signs:
- tachycardia >100
- tachypnea >20
- Febrile >100.5F
- Hypoxia <92%
Two labs can be run for acute bronchitis
- CBC but imperfect test, high or low don’t make dx
- procalitonin - helps determine viral vs. bacterial etiology, released in bacterial infections, not usually used…
Symptomatic tx of acute bronchitis
- Decongestants
- Antihistamines
- Antitussives
- Mucolytics
- Bronchodilators
- Steroids
**differs slightly from Dr. Letassy
Should use Abx to tx acute bronchitis?
- unless old/infirm
- artificial airway (tracheostomy)
- sx for more than 10 days
What are common upper respiratory pathogens
S. pnuemonia
H. Flu
M. cat
- def
- results in what
Lower respiratory tract infection
- results in edema and mucous accumulation of small distal airways
Bronchiolitis etiology
Viral most common:
- Rhinovirus
- Parainfluenza
Bronchiolitis most common population? when?
- Infants and children <2 yr
- fall and winter
Bronchiolitis risk factors
- premature <37 weeks
- <12 weeks old
- congenital dz
- immunocompromised
Bronchiolitis pathogenesis
- Terminal bronchiolar epithelial cells are damaged by virus
- Inflammation of small bronchi and bronchioles
- Edema, mucous, sloughed epithelial cells crowd airway - obstruction
- clinical features
- typically starts as URI sx (rhinorrhea, congestion, cough)
- sx progress to fever, cough, respiratory distress
Signs of respiratory distress
- wheezing (inspiration and expiration)
- crackles
- retractions (intercostal, supraclavicular, abdominal breathing)
- nasal flaring/grunting
- Tachypnea (50-70!!!)