Clin Assess Flashcards
What is the dx: 18yo female wiyh breast lump. It is a round mass that is well-delineated and very mobile and non tender.
What is the dx: A 40yo female presents with a beast lump. It is soft and elastic and mobile. It is slightly tender.
breast cyst
What is the dx: Patient presents with breast lump. The mass is irregular and fixed and not clearly delineated.
Breast Cancer
What are common signs of breast cancer (7)
- retraction signs
- skin dimpliing
- nipple retraction, deviation
- edema of the skin (orange peel appearing)
- Paget’s disease
- breast pain/discomfort
- nipple discharge (galacorhhea)
What is a female patients lifetime risk of developing breast CA?
12% (1 in 8)
What are high risks for breast CA?
- female
- 65+
- high breast tissue denisty
- biopsy-confirmed atypical hyperlplsia
What are medium risks for breast CA?
- 1+ first-degree relative with breast CA
- high-dose radiation to chest
- high bone density (post menopausal)
What are lower risks for breast CA?
- late age first pregnancy (>30)
- early menarche (55yp_
- no full-term pregnancies
- never breast fed
- recent OCP use
- recent long-term use of HRT
- obesity (postmenopausal)
What are some breast cancer risk assessment tools? (3 models)
- Gail model: best for infividuas over 50yo who have no family hx
- Claus model: best used for indivuduals with no more than 2 first-degree relatives
- BRCAPRO model: used for high risk womrn
Mammogram screening recommendations
- 40-50yo: “individual decision”
- 50-74yo: biennial
- 75yo+: controversial
How often/when to do breast self-exams?
monthly, 5-7 days after onset of menses
Who should get a breast MRI?
young women at high risk for breast CA
What age do people generally get indirect hernias?
young people (but can be seen at any age)
What are clinical features of indirect hernias?
- internal inguinal ring
- often in scrotum (can hear bowel sounds)
- cannot get finger above mass
Patient presents with hernia after lifting/straining. What is the most likely type of hernia?
Direct hernia
What are clinical features of direct hernias?
- external inguinal ring
2. bulges anteriorly and pushes side of finger forward
What type of hernia is more associated with bowel movements?
femoral hernias
Male patient presents with YELLOW penile discharge. What is the most likely dx?
What color penile discharge is associated with chlamydia?
WHITE discharge
Male patient presents with palpable, nontender, hard plaques are found just beneath the skin. The patient complains of a crooked painful erection. What is the most likely?
Peyronie’s disease
Male patient presents with indurated nodule or ulcer that is nontender?
carcinoma of the penis
Who is most at risk for developing penile CA?
Patient presents with scrotal swelling. The scrotum has pitting edema and the scrotal skin is taut (pulled tight)
scrotal edema