3 types of polar
tundra: looks cold but not the coldest
ice cap: Antarctica, picture probably shows nothing but snow
highland: cold, ABOVE TREELAND
2 types of continental
humid continental: large SEASONAL DIFFERENCES. Warm summer, cold winter
Subarctic: large cold winters. cool, mild summers.
3 types of MODERATE
Mediterranean: Dry summer, low prep, Looks like SOUTHERN FRANCE
Marine West Coast: ample precipitation in all months
Humid sub-tropical: high temp. even prepc.
2 types of DRY
arid : VERY DRY
semi arid: DRY BUT NOT AS DRY
2 types of tropical
tropical wet : always humid and warm
tropical wet/dry : 2 season gap, has a dry season
what causes deserts
high pressure regions. Inland. Dry air currents. Rain shadow.
what is the largest desert? What is the driest desert?
Largest: Antarctic continent
Driest: Atacama desert (extreme rain shadow, cold air current)
features of mangrove forests
- made of halophytes, grow in saline (salty) environments
- viviparous, MAKE BABIES (propagules, dispersed into water)
how do mangroves help the environment
- store a shit ton of carbon
- filter ocean surface runoff water
- biodversity, protect juvenile fish species
- protect land from strong storm surges or erosion
deciduous trees nickname, features
temperate hardwood. SHED Leaves annually, temperate and warm continental climate zones
confierous trees nickname
“Boreal forest” “Taiga” in Siberia. Spruce, fir, pine.
Limbs: hold snow without snapping
Leaves: Needle shaped, hold moisture, evergreen, waxy resin
flowers: cones protect seed from cold winter
Bark: Protect from fire or wind
Roots: Shallow, absorb water from melting snow
shed leaves selectively