Mitigation Startegies
- Reduction of Energy Consumption
- Reduction of Emissions from Agriculture
- Use of Alternatives to Fossil Fuels
- Geo-engineering
Reduction of Energy Consumption
Implement energy efficiency measures such as insulation, efficient lighting, and higher efficiency appliances to reduce energy demand in buildings
Promote the use of smart grids and energy management systems to optimise energy usage and reduce waste
Encourage sustainable transportation options like public transit, cycling, and walking to decrease reliance on fossil fuel-powered vehicles
Support the development and adoption of energy-efficient industrial processes to reduce energy consumption in manufacturing
Promote behaviour change and awareness campaigns to encourage individuals and businesses to adopt energy-saving practices
Reduction of Emissions from Agriculture
Implement agricultural practices that minimise emissions of nitrogen oxides (which contribute to tropospheric ozone) and methane
Promote sustainable livestock management techniques such as improved feed quality, methane capture systems, and rotational grazing
Improve soil management and encourage precision agriculture methods that optimise fertiliser use, so that no more fertiliser is used than is needed
Use of Alternatives to Fossil Fuels
Transition to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydropower, and geothermal energy for electricity generation
Promote the use of electric vehicles (EVs) and support the development of charging infrastructure to reduce reliance on fossil fuel-powered transportation
Invest in research and development of biofuels and hydrogen as cleaner alternatives to conventional fossil fuels
Continue to explore the potential of nuclear energy as a low-carbon alternative to fossil fuels
Investigate the feasibility of carbon removal techniques such as afforestation, reforestation, and direct air capture (DAC) to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
Explore solar radiation management techniques like stratospheric aerosol injection to reflect sunlight back into space and mitigate global warming