Cleft lip and palate Flashcards
Incidence + Etiological factors
1:750 – 1:2000 Etiological factors: 1. Genetics 2. Drugs (steroids, anticonvulsivants, valium) 3. Maternal infections (rubella,toxoplasmosis) 4. Hipervitaminosis A 5. Intoxications 6. Iradiations
week 5,6
The nasal swellings are gradually separated from the maxillary swelling by deep furrows
week 7
The maxillary swellings have fused with the medial nasal swellings
week 10
Anatomical types
A. Simple cleft lip
Right sided
Left sided
Anatomical types
B. Complete cleft lip
– involves also the nasal floor
Anatomical types
C. Cleft lips associated with cleft at the level of
the dental arch and cleft palate
Clinical picture
- Ala of nose from the cleft side – deformed, enlarged
- One of the hemi-lips is more hypoplastic
- The nostril on the cleft side is enlarged
- Nasal septum is deformed
- Teeth growth disturbancies
Clinical picture
When is associated with cleft palate:
- suction deficiencies
- sialorrhea
- higher incidence of upper
respiratory/ears infections
A. Unilateral cleft – principles
- economical excision of the cleft borders
- delicate dissection
- upper lip detachment from the maxila
- creation of triangular flaps using equal, arched
incisions - by suturing one achieve:
- unbroked Cupid’s bow
- simetrical highed upper lip
- normal nasal sill
- symetrical nose
B. Bilateral cleft lip – principles
- one-stage anatomical repair
- economical resection of the cleft borders
- orbicular oris muscle repair, which will
actively arrange in a line the premaxila
together with the hemi – maxilaes - preservation of the philtrum and of a
mucosal part from the median bud
A. Cleft palate
Etiological factors:
1: 700
- heredity
- ……
The intermaxillary segment gives rise
to the philtrum of the upper lip;
the median part of the maxillary bone and its four incisor teeth; and the triangular primary palate
Anatomical types
A. Posterior cleft palate
(incomplete, soft palate)
B. Total cleft palate
(soft + hard palate)
Cleft palate
Clinical picture
- suction and speech deficiencies
- respiratory tract infections
- ear infections (deafness)
Principles of treatment
• Goals
– Normal feeding – Psichological support – Normal growth of the midface – Normal speech – Normal normal appearance – Normal maxillary arch and teeth – No hearing deficiencies
• Psichological support and comprehensive
information about the treatment plan
• Feeding support – special teats (bigger
than normal) and bottles (squeezable)
- different techniques
- one stage/ two stages procedures
Palatoplasty – von Langenbeck
- Single stage procedure
- Minor disturbancies on facial growth
Disadvantages, in wide clefts
- High percentage of postop fistulae
- Abnormal speech patterns
Soft Palate Repair (SPR) – 6 months
- Push back technique
- Re-orientation of the levator veli palatine muscles
- Using a vomerian flap
Hard Palate Repair (HPR) – I
2 y
- Two layers closure
- Using vomerian flaps
- One or two palatal flaps, depending on
the wideness of the cleft