Cleft Flashcards
Infant female with cleft lip and palate
The parent Is asking how common is this?
Cleft lip with or without cleft palate occurs in 1/940 live births
Any particular population ?
*Highest incidence in Asians and Native Americans (1:500)
*African Americans lowest incidence(1:2000)
*Isolated Cleft Palate (1:1500-2000)
CL common in male
CP common in female
Why its common on the left side?
it has been observed that the right palatal shelf reaches the horizontal position faster than the left during palatal shelf fusion.
Describe the typical nasal deformities associated with the cleft lip at this age (ie: how are the columella, septum, medial & lateral crura and alar base distorted?)
short columella, collapsed ala on side of cleft, tip droop, short/ deviated septum, widened alar base
Parents want to know, what’s the chance of our next baby having a cleft lip?
If the Cleft is Isolated (Non-Syndromic): 2-5%
If either parent or another close family member also has a cleft, the risk may be slightly higher, potentially increasing to 5-10%.
If the cleft is part of a genetic syndrome (such as Van der Woude Syndrome or 22q11.2 deletion syndrome), the recurrence risk depends on the specific syndrome’s inheritance pattern. For example, an autosomal dominant syndrome carries a 50% risk if one parent is a carrier.
What are the most common skeletal jaw deformities in cleft lip/palate pt?
maxillary retrusive, anterior crossbite, posterior crossbite with lesser segment, transverse deficient, alveolar clefting, missing teeth
Van der Woude Syndrome (VWS)
Most common syndrome with cleft lip
Genetic disorder characterized primarily by cleft lip and/or cleft palate and small indentations or pits on the lower lip.
AD mutations in the IRF6 gene.
1:35,000 to 1:100,000
Have missing teeth
Cleft lip and/or cleft palate.
Lower lip pits (characteristic small depressions or fistulae on the lower lip).
What is the difference between the primary palate and secondary palate?
Primary palate (pre-maxilla) contains the incisive canal and the 4 anterior teeth(incisors).
The secondary palate is everything behind the pre-maxilla and forward of the SP
Velocardiofacial Syndrome (DiGeorge)
- Velocardiofacial Syndrome (DiGeorge)
- Autosomal dominant 22q chromosomal abnormality
- Palatal deformity can range from weakness to complete cleft of the palate
- 1:4,000
- Facial manifestations can include small ears, flattened midface.
- Cardiac defects – TOF, VSD
- Learning disability
Stickler Syndrome
* Stickler Syndrome
* Autosomal dominant, affects type II collagen
* 1:7,500-10,000
* Cleft palate with eye abnormalities
* Can include retinal detachment, cataracts
* Typically have flattened midface, can have hearing loss and
spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia
* Children with cleft and myopia should be referred to ophthalmologist.
Pierre Robin Sequence (PRS)
Pierre Robin Sequence (PRS) is a condition present at birth that includes a combination of three main features:
Recurrent airway obstruction
What causes cleft lip?
6 weeks gestation median nasal processes fail to fuse with maxillary process
What causes cleft palate?
At 8-12 weeks palatine shelves of max process merge in midline and fuse with nasal septum/vomer 🡪 failure leads to cleft palate (closes anterior to posterior)
Mom asks – why can’t my baby drink out of a regular bottle with a cleft palate
(use specialty bottle like Haberman or Dr. Brown’s - 1 way valve, CP can’t form adequate seal)
Is cleft lip more common in males or females?
Male and usually left side more common
Is isolated cleft palate more common in males or females – F
What % of isolated cleft palate associated with specific syndromes- 50%
Any syndromes that are most commonly associated with isolated CP
Sticklers, van der woude, PRS, 22q deletion syndrome)