Classify Relationship Flashcards
Initial paragraph and SP - Source Rule
CA-CP-B-DIG-S-PIR-B-SCI-SQ - (Before Devise Inheritance Gift SP Profits Issues Rent Burden Source Change Intent)
- CA is CP state, property acquired during marriage presumed CP;
- Before or after marriage (sepration with permant intent facts);
- During marriage by Gift, Inheritance, Devise;
- From SP funds;
- Profits, Issue, and Rents of SP.
- Burden on SP proponent to defeat CP presumption.
- Source rule to trace;
- Mere change in form does not change character;
- Credit/Loans = intent of lender.
- Acquired in SP state before CA domicile in CA is QCP - treated as CP on death or divorce.
Valid Marriage
MAFC - Mutual Age Formalities Capacity
- requires Mutual assent;
- Sufficient age (18+)
- legal Capacity
- Formalities (License and Solemnization)
Marital Economic Community (MEC)
BEDDLIF (Begins Ends Divorce Death Living Intent Façade)
- Begins at Marriage;
- Ends at Death (either spouse);
- Divorce; or
- Intent of either spouse not to resume coupled with conduct;
- Living separate not required since 2017, but relevant;
- Facade of marriage, MEC not ended.
Division of Property on Divorce or Death
CEEPSDEDI - (CP Equally Earning Power Spousal Debt Each Death Inures)
- CP divided equally on per item basis unless special rule (PI, etc.);
- Earning power not considered except Spousal Support or Debt;
- Each spouse entitled to own SP
- Death - CP inures to survivor
A. Equal division or in kind CP with few exceptions;
B. Time nearest to trial except value-add assets;
C. Tax consequences factored into division;
D. Unpaid debts divided or assigned;
E. Timing of incurring debt relevant (before, during, after separation, post divorce)
F. Intestate - all JT, CP, & 1/3 of SP to surviving;
G. Testate - JT & 1/2 of CP go to surviving;