Classifiers Flashcards
個 go3
Generic classifier
個 baa2
Something long, with a hilt or handle
班 baan1
A flight, train at a particular time, group of students
包 baau1
A bag of
筆 bat1
A sum of money
波 bo1
A wave
幫 bong1
A group of people
部 bou6
Vehicles, electronics, musical instruments
步 bou6
A step
杯 bui1
A cup of
本 bun2
Books, things that can be measured in volumes
埲 bung6
餐 caan1
輯 cap1
Dramas, documentaries
場 ceong4
Competitions, movies
齣 ceot1
次 ci3
束 cuk1
A bunch of
層 cung4
Storey, layer
重 cung4
柱 cyu3
A column-like thing
串 cyun3
A skewered stick of
啖 daam6
A mouthful of
單 daan1
Case, news
疊 daap6
A stick of
頂 deng2
堆 deoi1
A (messy) pile of
對 deoi3
A pair of
隊 deoi6
A team of
滴 dik6
A drop of
碟 dip6
A dish of
朵 do2
袋 doi6
A (large) bag of
代 doi6
A generation of
檔 dong3
A stall
道 dou6
A door
篤 duk1
A pile of
棟 dung6
段 dyun6
A section, a segment of
塊 faai3
A piece of
番 faan1
A section of words when quoting someone
發 faat3
A cartridge, a round of
份 fan6
A stack of (usually) documents, a serving of
副 fu3
A pair of specific things
幅 fuk1
款 fun2
A particular style of
封 fung1
架 gaa3