Classification of Mental Illness-Ryst Flashcards
What is a medical disorder?
constellation of symptoms
-associated w/ a cause, mode of transmission, age of onset, natural course of symptoms, and treatments
Why do we make medical diagnoses?
communication b/w providers, researchers, informs treatment planning
T or F
Symptoms do not equal a psychiatric disorder
Psychiatric disorders are (blank) based
What are the three things that make a psychiatric disorder?
symptoms, distress, disability
What is the structure of the DSM-5?
I. DSM-5 basics II. Essential elements- diagnositic criteria and codes III. emerging measures and models -appendix -index
What do you find in section I of DMS-5?
- history
- guide to use of manual
- forensic statement
- DMS-5 classification summary
A (blank) is a syndrome characterized by clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior that reflects a dysfunction in the psychological, biological, or developmental processes underlying mental functioning.
mental disorder
An expectable or culturally approved response to a common stressor or loss, such as the death of a loved one, (is not/is a) a mental disorder.
Socially deviant behavior (e.g., political, religious, or sexual) and conflicts that are primarily between the individual and society (are/ are not) mental disorders unless the deviance or conflict results from a dysfunction in the individual, as described above.
Are not
Mental disorders are usually associated with what?
signif distress or disability in social, occupational, or other important activities
T or F
A mental diagnosis is equivalent to a need for treatment
F!!!!! The diagnosis of a mental disorder is not equivalent to a need for treatment
Approaches to validating diagnostic criteria for discrete categorical mental disorders have included the following types of evidence…..???
Antecedent validators
Concurrent validators
Predictive validators
What kind of validators are these:
similiar genetic markers, family traits, temperament, environmental exposure
Antecedent validators
What kind of validators are these:
similiar neural substrates, biomarkers, emotional and cognitive processing, and symptoms similiarity
Concurrent validators
What kind of validators are these:
similiar to clinical course and treatment response
predictive validators
What section is this:
-part of text that is separate from main body and can help clinically but arent considered valid yet (needs more evidence based research)
Section III
What section is this: Assessment Measures Cultural Formulation Alternative DSM-5 Model for Personality Disorders Conditions for Further Study
Section III (emergine measures and models)
What are these: Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome Depressive Episodes With Short Duration Hypomania Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder Caffeine Use Disorder Internet Gaming Disorder Neurobehavioral Disorder Due to Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Suicidal Behavior Disorder Non-suicidal Self-Injury
Conditions for further study (located in section III)
What Does the optional measure section of DSM 5 provide you ?
gives info of high revelance to prognosis, treatment planning and outcome BUT does not make a diagnosis!!
In DSM-5, the optional sectn what sections does this include?
Level 1 and Level 2 Cross-Cutting Symptom assessments
Diagnosis-specific Severity ratings
Disability assessment
Who completes the optional measurement section of DSM-5?
Patient, informant, or clinician completed depending on the measurement
(blank) is the recommended, but not required, assessment for disability
What are the domains of WHODAS?
Understanding and communicating Getting around Self Care Getting along with people Life activities -household -work or school Participation in Society
New patient comes in complaining of depression. What else do we need to know before making a diagnosis?
Other symptoms
Symptom severity
What is the diagnostic crtieria?
- symptoms
- severity
- duration
What is the criteria for major depressive disorder?
5 or more of the 9: depressed mood, decr interests/pleasure, weight change, sleep change, agitation, fatigue, worthless/guilt feelings, decr conc and memory, thoughts of death
Duration: 2 weeks or more
Severity: signif distress and/or functional impairment
Can you have a major depressive disorder without being sad?
(blank) suggests a diagnostic category
Chief complaint
What are the strategies for differential diagnosis?
- chief complaint suggests a diagnostic category
- medical factors must be identified
- consider role of substance abuse
- second differential (related to condition)
- affects patient care
In the DSM what does the diagnosis provide you with?
has a set of criteria, has therapeutic and prognostic implications
What is the structure of disorder chapters?
- criteria
- subtypes and/or specifiers
- severity
- explanatory text
What do you find in the explanatory text
- diagnostic and associated features
- prevalencee
- development and course
- risk and prognosis
- culture and gender related factors
- diagnostic factors
- functional consequences
- differential diagnosis
- comorbidity
What are the categories of depression?
- adjustment disorder
- major depressive disorder
- dysthymia
- bipolar disorder, depressed state
- substance induced depression
- depression secondary to a medical disorder
Do symptoms indicate a disorder?
An acute stress disorder lasts how long?
up to 4 weeks
How long does PTSD last?
greater than 3 months
How long can you have schizophreniform?
max 6 months
How long does schizophrenia last?
greater than 6 months
What is this:
pervasive personality style involving preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, mental and interpersonal control. Rigid, perfectionistic, miserly, stubborn. Devotion to work excludes social/leisure pursuits.
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
What is this:
pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others
Paranoid PD
(Blank) can present like depression.
Before you diagnosis depression what must you rule out?
substance induced mood disorder