Classification of Medically Important Parasites Flashcards
3 major groups of clinically significant parasites, namely:
- Single- Celled parasites: Protozoans
- Multicellular worms: Metazoan helminthes
- Arthropods
The parasites of man are mostly contained in around how many subdivisions or phyla?
8 (eight) (walo)
• Classification to any group or subdivision is based predominantly on ?
morphologic characteristics
morphologic characteristics
- Nucleus/nuclei, cytoplasm, outer limiting membrane, organelles (contractile vacuoles, rudimentary digestive organs etc.)
- Require a wet environment for feeding, locomotion, osmoregulation and reproduction
- They form trophozoites (active, feeding, reproduction) and cysts (inactive) except for Naegleria
- Nutrition of all protozoans are?
HOLOZOIC (require organic materials, which may be particulate or in solution)
what are the 2 Subphya ofPhylum Sarcomastigophora ?
- Subphyla Mastigophora
2. Subphyla Sarcodina
- Subphyla Mastigophora
• Organelle of locomotion?
• Asexual Reproduction (longitudinal)?
A. Phylum Sarcomastigophora
- Subphyla Mastigophora
what Kingdom and Phylum and subphylum?- Giardia: Giardiasis
Subkingdom Protozoa
A. Phylum Sarcomastigophora
- Subphyla Mastigophora
what Kingdom and Phylum and subphylum?- Chilomastix
Subkingdom Protozoa
A. Phylum Sarcomastigophora
- Subphyla Mastigophora
what Kingdom and Phylum and subphylum?- Thrichomonas:
Subkingdom Protozoa
A. Phylum Sarcomastigophora
- Subphyla Mastigophora
what Kingdom and Phylum and subphylum? Thrichomoniasis
Subkingdom Protozoa
A. Phylum Sarcomastigophora
- Subphyla Mastigophora
what Kingdom and Phylum and subphylum?- Dientamoeba
Subkingdom Protozoa
A. Phylum Sarcomastigophora
- Subphyla Mastigophora
what Kingdom and Phylum and subphylum? - Trypanosoma: Chagas Disease
Subkingdom Protozoa
A. Phylum Sarcomastigophora
- Subphyla Mastigophora
what Kingdom and Phylum and subphylum? African Sleeping Sickness
Subkingdom Protozoa
A. Phylum Sarcomastigophora
- Subphyla Mastigophora
what Kingdom and Phylum and subphylum? - Leishmania: Leishmaniasis (Cutaneous, Visceral)
Subkingdom Protozoa
A. Phylum Sarcomastigophora
- Subphyla Mastigophora
- Subphyla Sarcodina
• Organelle of locomotion?
- Asexual Reproduction
* May either be Intestinal or Extra Intestinal
- Subphyla Sarcodina
Intestinal or Estraintesninal???
Entamoeba spp. , Lodamoeba butschii, Endolimax nana
Intestinal or Estraintesninal???
Naegleria, Acanthamoeba, Entamoeba gingivalis
B. Phylum Ciliophora
• Organ of locomotion?
• Asexual reproduction (Transverse)
B. Phylum Ciliophora
what phylum do they belong??• Balantidium colo: Balatidiasis or Balantidial dystentery
B. Phylum Ciliophora
• Presence of an apical complex at the anterior end (polar rings, subpellicular tubules, conoid, rhoptries, micronemes)
C. Phylum Apicomplexa
- Class Sporozoa
• All members are parasitic
C. Phylum Apicomplexa
- Class Sporozoa
• Life cycle is characterized by an alteration of generation (one sexual and one asexual)
C. Phylum Apicomplexa
- Class Sporozoa
- Spore forming
D. Phylum Microspora*
- Possess a unique extrusion apparatus which enables them to insert infective material to the host cell
D. Phylum Microspora*
from what phylum - Opportunistic infections among immune-compromised
- Enterocytozoon, Encephalitozoon, Microspridium
D. Phylum Microspora*
from what phylum and class- Toxoplasma: Toxoplasmosis
C. Phylum Apicomplexa
- Class Sporozoa
phylum and class?- Cyclospora
Phylum Apicomplexa
- Class Sporozoa
phylum and class?- Crypatosporidium: Cryptosporidiosis
Phylum Apicomplexa
- Class Sporozoa
phylum and class?- Babesia: Babesiosis
Phylum Apicomplexa
- Class Sporozoa
phylum and class?- Plasmodium: Malaria
Phylum Apicomplexa
- Class Sporozoa
• Multicellular and contain internal organ system
are worm-like parasites
• Characterized by elongated, flat or round bodies
• Egg, larval (juvenile), and adult stages
• Predominantly coelamate (fluid-filled body cavity in which the gut and the organs are suspended
Phylum Annelida
divided into separate compartments by partitions called septa what part??
• Segmented with repetitive parts
Phylum Annelida
• Several well developed body systems (e.g. digestive, nervous, excretory, etc.)
Phylum Annelida
• EX. Leeches
Phylum Annelida
what phylum, kingdom and class are (Roundworms)??
• Phylum Nemathelminthes
-Class Nematoda
o Unsegmented (non-metameric
Class Nematoda
o Bilaterally symmetrical
o Triploblastic
Phylum Nemathelminthes
-Class Nematoda
o Pseudocoelomate (they have a cavity called a pseudocoel between the gut and the body wall: tube within a tube type of body plan) Complete digestive tract (oral aperture > subterminal anus
Phylum Nemathelminthes
-Class Nematoda
are diecious (separate sexes)
sensory organ found at the anterior end
- found at the base of the lips
- Principal chemosensory organ of nematodes
sensory organs found at the posterior end
- Unicellular receptors in the lateral tail region
- Are important for the classification of nematodes
Aphasmid nematodes
- Class Adenophorea
Of the nematodes of medical and public health importance only 3 are
- Trichuris
- Trichinella
- Capillaria
Trichuris what class
- Class Adenophorea
Trichinella what class
- Class Adenophorea
Capillaria what class
- Class Adenophorea
- phasmid nematodes
- Class Secernentia
Nematodes may also be classified based of their habitat: what are the 2 habitats?
Ascaris, Capillaria, Hookworm, Strongyloides (HABITAT??)
Small intestine
Angiostrongylus, Filarial worms, Trichinella (HABITAT??)
Dorsolaterally Fattened
Bilateral symmetry
Phylum Platyhelminthes
- unsegmented
- Class trematoda-
- Class Cestoda-
( Flatworms/Flukes)
Class Trematoda
genital sucker (TERM)
flatworms do not have gonotyl except?
All require 2 Intermediate hosts (1st intermediate host is always a snail)
Class Trematoda ( Flatworms/Flukes)
Generally the infective stage is the metacercariae (encysted larvae) that develops in the 2nd intermediate host
and exception??
Class Trematoda ( Flatworms/Flukes
exempted:Schistosomes (infective stage is cercariae)
Class Trematoda ( FLUKES)
Fasciola CLASS??
Class Trematoda ( FLUKES)
Faciolopsis CLASS??
Class Trematoda ( FLUKES)
Heterophyids CLASS??
Class Trematoda ( FLUKES)
Opisthorcis CLASS??
Class Trematoda ( FLUKES)
Paragonimus CLASS??
Class Trematoda ( FLUKES)
Schistosoma CLASS??
Class Trematoda ( FLUKES)
Class Cestoda
( Tapeworms)
Provided with an anterior structure called scolex, followed by the neck then the strobili
Class Cestoda ( Tapeworms)
There are only 2 orders under Class Cestoda that are of medical and public health importance:
- Order Pseudophyllidea
- Order Cyclophyllidea
globular scolex within 4 muscular sucker
Order Cyclophyllidea
Order Pseudophyllidea
with geintal pore and uterine pore
Order Pseudophyllidea
absent uterine pore
Order Cyclophyllidea
operculated eggs
Order Pseudophyllidea
eggs with hexacanth
Order Cyclophyllidea
non operculated eggs
Order Cyclophyllidea
ciliated oncosphere
coracidium Order Pseudophyllidea
sucking grooves (TERM)
Phylum Arthropoda
Segmented Bodies
Jointed appendages
Phylum Arthropoda
contain the majority of the arthropods with medical and public health importance (2)
Class Insecta and Arachnida
• Order Diptera
Class Insecta ( Mosquitoes and Flies)
• Order Siphonoptera (
Class Insecta ( Fleas)
• Order Hymenoptera
Class Insecta ( bees, wasps, and ants)
• Order Lepidoptera
Class Insecta ( moths and butterflies)
• Order Hemiptera
Class Insecta ( bed bugs, and kissing bugs)
• Order Anoplura
Class Insecta (Lice)
• Order Coloeptera
Class Insecta (Beetles)
• Order Copepoda
(Cyclops) Class Crustacea
• Order Decapoda
( crabs, lobsters, shrimps) Class Crustacea
(Scorpions) Class Arachnida
( Spiders)
• Order Aranaea Class Arachnida
• Order Acarina ( Class Arachnida
( Mites and Ticks)
Class Chilopoda
Class Diplopoda
Class Ptastomida
what Phylum do they belong?
Phylum Arthropoda