Classification of Malocclusion Flashcards
When teeth are not erupted to the same level.
Teeth are over erupted.
Irregular arrangement of the teeth from lack of space.
When teeth switch places.
Ex: The cuspid erupts in place of the lateral incisor.
The most common supernumerary.
Mesiodens - between the maxillary centrals.
When a tooth has one root and two pulp chambers.
When a tooth has two root canals, and two pulp chambers.
Class in which the mandible move forward on closure.
Pseudo Class III
When the maxillary teeth occlude lingually to the mandibulars.
Vertical space between the teeth.
Open bite
Overlap in the vertical direction.
Overlap in the horizontal direction.
In the Angle’s classification, which teeth do we consider fixed?
Maxillary first permanent molars.
MB cusp of the maxillary first molar occludes in the buccal groove of the mandibular first molar.
Class I malocclusion
Canines in Class I malocclusion.
Maxillary canine is half a tooth distal to the mandibular canine.
Class II molar relationship with labially inclined maxillary incisors.
Class II DIvison 1
Class II molar relationship where the maxillary centrals are retruded, but the maxillary laterals are labially inclined.
Class II Division 2
This angle’s classification often has lingually inclined mandibular incisors.
Class II Division 2
Angle where the lower incisors are edge to edge or labial to the uppers.
Class III
Angle classification where the mandibular dentition erupts (develops) MESIAL to the maxillary.
Class III
Angle’s classification with a concave profile..
Class III