Classics Assignment - women and religion Flashcards
What type of religion was Ancient Greece and Rome? what did this mean?
Religion within the ancient world, primarily Greece and Rome, was polytheist; meaning they worshiped a Pantheon of gods and goddesses simultaneously rather than just one almighty God.
how important was religion to society? what did this mean for women?
Unlike today, religion in the ancient world played a crucial role within the functioning of society which meant that everyone had to pull their weight and worship the gods, including women, leading to important roles being granted to them, roles that outweighed anything they would have had otherwise in everyday life.
what important roles did/do women gain through the state religion?
Ancient Rome for example housed the Vestal Virgins, a group of women that had probably the highest status a woman could get within Rome at that time, who spent a large portion of their lives devoted to the gods, specifically Vesta, the Roman goddess of the hearth. Similarly, in the modern day, we have nuns who, much like the vestal virgins, spend their lives devoted to Catholicism and gain status within the church through that.
do people deviate from the state religion? please briefly explain why.
There were also multiple foreign religions that were commonly practiced throughout Rome as a way to escape the more boring, standardised, state religion and gain some real status that was valued and respected within their community. The same is true within modern society to an extent as more and more people are becoming more fluid in what religion they follow and deviating from the standard Christianity commonly practiced.
has religion changed much over the past few thousands of years?
Although much has changed within religion over the past few thousand years, the fundamental ideas and symbols that religion represented has stayed very much the same, it has remained integral to a large percentage of families globally.
were ancient greek women allowed an active role within religion?
Ordinary women in ancient Greece were allowed an active role within religion as they were believed to be better at serving the gods and ensuring they were kept happy due to their complimentary active role within the household and their family.
what roles did they have?
Some of their roles would include the organisation and carrying out of important festivals such as the Adonia festival that honoured Aphrodite’s mortal consort Adonis who died tragically young in a hunting accident.
what was the hierarchy of religion in greece?
However, religion was still extremely male dominated with very few priestesses or women with high positions of power.
how active was the role of women within ancient rome?
In ancient Rome, ordinary women had a much less active role within religion as it was male dominated.
what examples are there of female run festivals? who did this attract?
There were some examples of festivals and worships run by women such as Bona Dea, most notably a goddess of fertility and anti-slavery among other things, where women would pray at her temple and sacrifice a sow to the goddess. This worship was attracted by plebeians or freedwomen, or merely women in search of fertility and wellness.
what women did have power within rome?
However, the vestal virgins were the highest position of power a woman could aspire to gain in her life and it came with many different perks.
what was their one main goal? what did the flame symbolise?
The Vestal Virgins were 6 women chosen from the noblest families to tend to the sacred flame of Vesta, the Roman goddess of the hearth. This flame was the living symbol of the life in Rome.
what other duties did they have?
They had many duties such as, maintaining their chastity, collecting water from the sacred spring (Vesta would not tolerate water from the city water-supply), preparing food for rituals, looking after objects in the inner sanctuary of the temple, and officiating at the Vestalia, the time of public worship of Vesta.
legally, how powerful were they?
Legally, they were the most empowered women in Rome since they could not be bound by any oath (except the ones they made to their religion), had the right to make wills and to dispose of their own property which shows that women could indeed have an active, important and respected role within society through religion.
were there limitations? what were they?
However, there were also many limitations to their role within Rome. The virgins took on an oath of chastity and the penalty for breaking this was being buried alive
describe this process.
They would be placed in a room with no windows and given a small ration of food as virgins’ blood was forbidden to be spilled and the murder of a virgin was also strictly forbidden under the religions’ guide lines and in order to get around this, they locked her in a room and allowed her to die a ‘natural’ death.
who describes this process? why is he credible?
The room is described by Plutarch in a story he wrote in 75 A.C.E. giving him a first-hand experience of the punishment of a virgin to draw inspiration from.
what does this quote show us?
This describes what the place looked like and describes it as a harrowing, sad room in which one spends their final moments. It describes exactly how they killed these women should they violate their oath and it shows us that although it is not exactly the most grotesque kill, but it is certainly grotesque as they are placing her in an isolated room with small rations and allowing her to starve to death.
what does these punishments show us about the overall status of these women?
Although this was the highest honour a woman could gain, she was still subject to very strict rules that if broken would result in her death showing that even though this was an important role, she was still under the rule of the Pontifex Maximus who had the final say on punishments for the Vestal Virgins.
how long was a virgin appointed for? what happened after?
A virgin was appointed for 30 years, 10 to learn their duties, 10 to carry them out and 10 to instruct others. Once retired, they could marry and live once again in public, but few chose to do so, finding it very difficult to readjust to normal life, perhaps due to the fact that they lived in a special house in the Roman Forum that was secluded from the public and only left are the times of important public ceremonies.
what is the modern equivalent to the vestal virgins? what oath do they make?
In the modern day, religion is not as integral to the functioning of society as it was during Ancient Rome. The modern equivalent to the Vestal Virgins are the Nuns of the Catholic Church. Nuns make a vow of obedience, chastity and poverty to Jesus Christ in a ceremony that imitates a traditional wedding, white dress included.
how long are nuns nuns for?
Unlike the Vestal Virgins, the Nuns make an oath for life rather than 30 years, and they do not have to be a virgin before joining but have to remain celibate for the remainder of their lives.
how do nuns show their love for God?
The Nuns of the Catholic Church do many things to show their love for God, these things include volunteering or even working.
whats it like for life in a convent?
If a Nun resides in a convent, she does gain some access to the outside world via working, most commonly in schools where they teach young Catholics as part as their duties as a nun.
whats it like for life in a monastery?
On the other hand, a nun who lives in a monastery has limited access to the outside world, here they will interact mostly with other nuns and spend their time working within the monastery itself, cooking, cleaning, or praying for up to eight hours a day.
how does life differ for different nuns in different places?
The roles on Nuns completely depend on what monastery you belong to, some spend their lives in solitude and penance, seldom breaking a vow of silence as an act of respect for God, whereas others spend their time teaching the word of God to the poor.
what is one of the main similarities between nuns and the vestal virgins?
One of the similarities between the two religious positions is the vow of celibacy which, in particular, could be tough, especially for those who joined young but, the punishment for breaking such a vow is a lot less lethal than in ancient Rome as they would be excommunicated rather than the archaic practice of being buried alive.
what punishment is worse? why?
This could be objectively worse than death for some however, as they have devoted their lives to the catholic church only to be thrown out and left with nothing, unable to practice in their place of worship which they hold so dearly.
why would some roman women convert to other religions?
Since the religion of the state was viewed as orthodox and tedious, many Romans sought religions of other countries within the Empire for something more exciting.
why was the cult of Isis popular?
The Egyptian goddess Isis appeared to celebrate women’s ability and individuality. It allowed them to gain the status of priestess, a title they wouldn’t usually have in everyday life and it gave them a sense of empowerment not gained by participation within the state religion.
were there places of worship for such a religion?
There were many temples dedicated to the worship of Isis such as the biggest situated around Campus Martius near the Saepta Julia and the Porticus Divorum.
what does the picture show?
it is on a platform that comprises of a porch and a cella, to either side, there were alcoves which would have been dedicated to the worship of Anubis and Harpocrates, Egyptian deities of the dead and secrets respectively, which related to the secrecy of the cult and highlights that they were very serious about the sense of mystery shrouding their cult. Inside the temple, as well as a statue of Isis, there would have been the sacred objects associated with Isis worship.
what picture does this present?
This gives us a clearer picture of how they worshipped Isis due to the nature of religion at that time wouldn’t permit the worship one deity exclusively. They also wanted secrecy and the prospect of an afterlife as part of their religious beliefs so had to worship other deities in order to achieve this.
why would women join this cult?
Joining this cult would have allowed these women to gain greater meaning in their life as they suddenly became very important to the other people within their community because they were integral to the development of their religion.
where else were women active in forign religion? who commented on this and why are they useful?
Women also managed to reach positions of some importance in the early Christian church. Bishop Cyprian of Carthage, a man who was there at the development of the early Christian church, acknowledged in his Testimonia
what picture does this quote paint?
This paints the picture of the early Christian church as having a higher number women, suggesting higher conversion rates for women than men.
what does this show?
It showed that women could actually become something more than their typical role within society which was highly appealing to the ‘modern Roman women’ of ancient Rome
how did men react?
However, men were resentful and suspicious of such activities. Many of their positions were not recognised by the Romans and thus lost their value to society, especially any role within the Christian faith as it was not tolerated by the Romans and actively persecuted.
why were women hit especially hard?
Due to women’s vital roles within these religions and their greater status than other Roman Women, they would have been hit especially hard as it went against Roman Values for a woman to hold such power and was thus stripped from any weight that came with her status.
was it then not important to society?
However, despite all of the animosity and hatred between the different religions, it remained an integral part of roman society and it has remained an important part within most societies for thousands of years.
how has religion stayed the same in modern society?
Although society has changed enormously throughout the past centuries, the modern day marriage between religion and state has remained intact with the state religion being Christianity.
why do some women find converting to islam baffling? who disagrees?
For much of the populous of western women, the reasons for a women of all people to convert to Islam is baffling as on it outside it appears to be oppressive and fundamentally sexist however, an account of one woman, Saskia, who had converted for her husband spins a different tale.
what does she claim?
She claims that rather than oppressing woman, keeping them as slaves bound to serve her husband for the rest of her life, the women within the family are celebrated for the hard work they do raising a family and running the household.
what does she say a woman’s` role is?
According to Saskia, a woman’s role within Islam is to be a wife and mother, there is a strong sense of family and sisterhood between other Muslim women that has attracted many western woman which is not dissimilar to the women within ancient times, religion, for the most part, was very family orientated and traditional.
why are women attracted to this?
Unlike the women of Ancient Rome, the modern women are not attracted to foreign religions for the need for more political or social power as a woman is already, for a large part, politically and socially equal to men, women are attracted to Islam out of the strong sense of family and friendship it provides.
what is the family outlook? why is this appealing?
There is a more traditional family outlook that, in this very liberal, fast changing, world, can be appealing to many women as change can be difficult to stomach and this religion combats this, sticking to the more traditional views that can act as a comfort to many people.
how do women show their faith?
To show their faith, women cover their hair, unlike the men who do not have to, they are also not allowed to pray in the same area as a man, or if they have to the men must be in front of them as a sign of respect for their male counterparts.
what do women do during festivals? give an example
During Muslim festivals such as Ramadan, the matriarch of the family is expected to cook food for all the family, with the help of the other women in order to mark the end of Ramadan and the end of fasting.
overall, what is a womans role within islam?
The role of women is strictly traditional within Islam, you are a mother and a wife before anything and that is celebrated within the community, your role is to cook, clean, bring up your children and love your husband, nothing more. It is a simple life, like the men they pray and show their faith in similar ways but they are devout to their families as well as their God.
how does this religion relate to religion in ancient times?
Although this religion is modern, it reflects a lot of the values that the ancient state religions held, displaying that although two thousand years have passed, traditional family values have not.
so, whats the verdict? is it similar or different?
In conclusion, there are many similarities and differences between the female role within religion between Ancient Rome and the modern day.
whats the similarities/ differences within the state religion?
On one hand, the sacred roles of women within the respective state religions are very similar as both have exclusive groups of women that make a vow of chastity and worship to their respective god which they have to uphold with the utmost honour however, with the Vestal Virgins, their role lasts for a much shorter time but has more brutal consequences for breaking their vows, where Nuns have a longer time in their role but less brutal consequences, or more depending on your perspective.
whats the similarities/ differences within foreign religion?
There are also differences between the reasons for diverting from state religion which relates to the tie period they lived in, in ancient Rome, women changed religion in order to gain more power or prevent the deaths of their children but in modern times, this is less of an issue and the most common reason is to gain more conservative and traditional family values rather than personal gain.
how crucial is religion in different aspacts of life ie society and familial in modern times compared to ancient?
Overall, religion has not changed as drastically as one would think over the course of thousands of years as it is still the core value within many families and brings people together, but within society its self, it is not as crucial a role due to the more politically correct world we live in that strives to be more inclusive to all and thus cannot maintain the strong roles they used to.
how has a womans role within religion changed today?
Women’s role within religion has changed in some aspects, such as there is more female priests now and women are given more status however, a lot of religion is still patriarchal and for that, women’s role remains unchanged.