Athenian Democracy Flashcards
how was Athenian democracy equal?
as all citizens had the opportunity to participate in the running of their city, equal rights for all citizens in the law courts and poverty was not a barrier for citizens to participate in government; public pay allowed all citizens the opportunity for involvement
how was Athenian democracy not equal?
as it was only possible using slavery. the slaves carried on with the work as the citizens carried out their democratic duties. women slaves and metics were banned from involvement. also policy often represented and suited those who lived in the city if Athens rather than those in the country.
how did Athenian democracy prevent corruption?
as men could only hold office for one year. some posts could only be held once in a lifetime and each public official was held accountable for his actions at the end of the year. it also prevented bribery as most positions were appointed by lot e.g. the council of 500
how was Athenian democracy inconsistent and selfish?
as the council changed every month and public officials every year, it was difficult to build consistency into the policy and decisions that affected Athens. Generals were also often overly cautious when on campaign out of fear of acting against the approval of the assembly
how did Athenian democracy allow freedom and insight?
as citizens were knowledgeable about politics, foreign affairs and what it took to run a city, citizens felt involved in the running of their country and thus were more patriotic and it offered political, social and individual freedom. citizens had freedom of speech.
how was Athenian democracy not reliable?
as some contemporary writers believed that the introduction of public pay resulted in corruption of the people. they participated for pay rather than out of duty. Aristophanes is of this opinion. also appointing by lot meant that some incompetent people were placed in positions of responsibility. There was a lack of expertise, and the best man for the job based on experience or knowledge was not always chosen.
how did Athenian democracy reflect the public’s needs?
as the rule of law, rather than through an individual king, governed the citizens of Athens. they made laws that reflected their needs and morality.
how was Athenian democracy subject to influence?
as the Ecclesia could sometimes be motivated by mass hysteria or the momentum of the crowd and bad decisions were made. also, clever speakers could influence the citizens to make decisions that were not always in the best interest of the people.