Classical Conditioning Flashcards
Learning in Psychology is…
A kind of behaviour theory
- Enduring changes in respond to a stimulus due to environment, past experiences, etc.
- Thus, learning theory typically explains changes in an organism’s bahaviour
Habituation & Sensitisation:
Habituation = Responding less strongly to repeated stimuli over time; present in even single cell organisms
- Found in most basic form of organism
Sensitisation = Respond MORE strongly (or similarly) to repeated stimuli over time
In human experiment, typically measure physiological responses such as heart rate, sweat, etc.
Classical Conditioning: Terminology
- UCS = Stimulus that does instinctually elicit an automatic, reflexive response from the organism (non-neutral stimulus).
- UCR = An automatic/instinctual response to a non-neutral stimulus.
- CS = A neutral stimulus that does not elicit any response.
- CR = A response that was previously associated with a non-neutral stimulus (UCS) that is now elicited by a neutral stimulus (CS).
Conditioned stimulus should be easy to perceive and novel (no previously learned responses)
Unconditioned stimulus should elicit an automatic (not previously learned), observable response

Phases of Conditioning:
- Acquisition Phase
- Extinction phase
- Spontaneous recovery phase
Acquisition Phase:
- CS is presented just before the UCS (seconds); ↑ trials = ↑ CR strength
- CR will never become identical to UCR - differences in strength etc.
- ↑ Temporal contiguity (↓ time between CS and UCS) = ↑ Learning
- MORE importantly, CS must be informative about the arrival of the UCS (forward conditioning)
- Presenting CS or UCS alone = ↓ Learning

Acquisition: Temporal Contiguity & more definitions
Trial = Each pairing of the CS and UCS.
Inter-Trial Interval (ITI) = Time between trials.
Inter-Stimulus Interval (ISI) = Time between start of CS and start of UCS.
Forward conditioning = When the CS is presented before the UCS.
Backward conditioning = When the UCS is presented before the CS.

Extinction phase:
- New response (absence of salivation) gradually inhibits the CR;
- Does NOT mean the subject is forgetting; the CR does not vanish completely but rather becomes overshadowed by the new response; evident by spontaneous recovery phase

Spontaneous recovery phase:
- When an overshadowed CR re-emerges (in a weaker form after a delay if the CS is re-presented
- Related to the renewal effect; response re-emerges when exposed to same environment (e.g. if something scary happens in a certain area, returning to that area will cause the fear to re-present

Properties of Stimulus:
Stimulus generalisation: When stimuli similar (but not identical) to the original CS elicits the CR
- Stimulus discrimination: CR from unoriginal CS will be weaker than to the original CS
Higher-order conditioning: Developing a CR to a new CS after the new CS has been paired with a previously learned CS
- ↑ Stimuli = ↓ Response strength
- Latent inhibition: Difficulty classically conditioning to a CS we have repeatedly experienced already without the UCS (e.g. advertising for well-known brands)

Research & Interventions:
- Partly responsible for the acquisition of fears: “Little Albert” experiment - Able to pair a CS (a rat; generalised to other furry animals) to an UCS (a loud noise) to produce a CR (crying and fear)
Treatment of phobias:
- Gradual exposure: For example, put little Albert in the room full with children who do not fear of rats.
- Counter-conditioning: pairing the fear stimulus with other pleasant stimuli. For example, associate rats with favourite snacks (have a snack every time a rat is present).