Classical Conditioning Flashcards
What is Classical Conditioning?
A type of learning via the association of a neutral stimuli with positive/negative experiences
What are the principals of classical conditioning? (equation)
before conditioning:
unconditioned stimuli (UCS) ->unconditioned responses (UCR)
neutral stimuli (NS) -> no response
during conditioning:
neutral stimuli (NS) + unconditioned stimuli (UCS) -> unconditioned response (UCR)
after conditioning:
conditioned stimuli (CS) -> conditioned response (CR)
What first experiment has been used to research classical conditioning?
Pavlov’s Experiment. Classical conditioning was accidentally discovered during Pavlov’s research on the digestive system in dogs as he noticed that the reflex response occurred when dogs heard his assistant approaching the food bowl. Therefore he began to condition the same response with a bell:
UCS (food) -> UCR (drool)
NS (bell) -> NO RESPONSE
NS (bell) + UCS (food) - > UCR (drool)
CS (bell) -> CR (drool)
What second experiment has been used to research classical conditioning? and what was its methodolgy?
Little Albert Experiment. For evidence of classical conditioning in humans, Watson and Raynor conditioned a previously unafraid baby to become afraid of a rat, by pairing a white rat with a steel bar hit with a hammer.
UCS (noise) -> UCR (fear)
NS (rat) + UCS (noise) - > UCR (fear)
CS (rat) -> CR (fear)
What are the 2 phases in classical conditioning? (and define)
- acquisition- the initial stage of learning when a response is established and strengthened over time through reinforcement.
- performance - once learning has occurred, the CS no longer requires the UCS to be present for the CR to occur.
What are the 2 factors that influence classical conditioning? (and define)
- contiguity - how close in time the NS and UCS are presented as principle states memories and experiences are linked
- contingency - the expectation that the CS will follow.
tends to be high for automatic responses.
What is the concepts of stimulus generalisation and stimulus discrimination?
stimulus generalisation - occurs where the CR is elicited on presentation of another similar stimulus other than the CS
stimulus discrimination - occurs when one responds to the CS only, but not to any other stimulus that is similar to the CS.
How does the process of extinction and spontaneous recovery occur in classical conditioning?
extinction of the CR occurs where the CS is continually presented without the UCS (unlearning, opposite of reinforcement)
spontaneous recovery occurs later when CS presented it will produce a weak CR that gets weaker every time until extinguished
What is the role of biological preparedness in the development of taste aversions and phobias?
makes it so that people tend to form fear associations with stimuli exposing us to harm. Because of that fear, preparedness aids in our survival as we avoid dangerous stimuli, causing people to be easily conditioned to fear heights, snakes, and spiders.
How is classical conditioning used in the systematic desensitisation of phobias? + example
Also known as “exposure therapy”, it overwrites/ substitutes the CR of fear with something else, through exposure hierarchy, causing less sensitivity to conditioned stimuli. (e.g. with a fear of snakes, first listen to someone say snake then stare at pic then etc. to finally hold a snake)