Classical Clinical Presentations Flashcards
Abdominal pain, blue gum line and constipation
Lead poinosing
Beefy-red tongue and fatigue
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Cafe-au-lait spots and skin nodules
Neurfibromatosis Type 1
Deep labored breathing and acetone smell on breath
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Abdominal pain and tenderness in the right iliac fossa
Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, erythema nodosum
Calf pseudohypertrophy and a positive Gower sign
Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
Dermatitis, diarrhea and dimentia
Pellagra (B3 deficiency)
Elastic skin with hypermobile joints
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Fair, fat fertile woman over 40 with abdominal pain
Abdominal pain following and alcoholic binge
Bilateral ptosis, diplopia, and difficulty chewing in female
Myasthenia Gravis
Cape-like distribution of loss of pain
Enlarged nerves and anesthetic hypopigmented rashes
Fever, cough, chest pain in a parrot breeder
Bird fancier’s disease
Abdominal pain in right iliac fossa and diarrhea
Crohn’s disease
Bitot’s spots in the eye
Vitamin A deficiency
Bladder or bowel control problems
Cauda Equina syndrome
Caput Medusa
Cirrhosis with portal hypertension
Dry eyes, dry mouth and arthritis
Sjogren’s syndrome
Dysphagia, glossitis and iron deficiency anemia
Plummer-Vinson syndrome
Abdominal pain in the left iliac fossa, blood in stool, young female
Ulcerative colitis
Bleeding swollen gums
Carditis, chorea, polyarthritis and subcutaneous nodules
Rheumatic fever
Dyspepsia worse with eating food
Gastric type of peptic ulcer disease
Abdominal pain in left iliac fossa, bloood in stool, older male
Blue lips, swollen ankles, and dyspnea
Chronic Bronchitis
Blue sclera and frequent fractures as an infant
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Casal’s necklace
Pellagra (vitamin B3 deficiency)
Painful, pale, cold fingers and toes
Raynaud’s syndrome
Fever, headache and skin rash on wrists and feet
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (ricket ricket)
Galactorrhea and amenorreha
Haygarth’s nodes
Rheumatoid arthritis
Indurated painless penile lesion
Primary syphilis
Jaundice, chills and fever
Ascending cholangitis
Large spatulate hands, protruding jaw
Koilonychia and pale mucous membranes
Iron deficiency anemia
Magenta colored tongue
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Newborn with paralyzed arm after difficult vertex delivery
Erb-Duchenne palsy
Obesity, hirsutism and irregular periods
Polycystic Ovarian syndrome
Painful fingers, wrists bilaterally with morning stiffnesss greater than 1 hour
Rheumatoid arthritis
Fever, conjunctivitis, coryza and a fine rash on trunk
Tertiary syphilis
Heartburn worse on lying down after meals
Infant with red hair and swollen abdomen
Jaundice, ascites and firm, non-tender hepatomegaly
Low back pain, bamboo spine in young adult male
Ankylosing spondylitis
Male child with recurrent infection and no B-cells
Bruton’s disease
Night blindness, dry eyes and dry skin
Vitamin A deficiency
Osler nodes, Janeway nodules or Roth spots
Subacute bacterial endocarditis
Painful hip with a limp in a young child
Legg-Calve-Perthe disease
Fever, neck stiffness and headache
Gottron’s papules and heliotrope eyelids
Heat intolerace, fine tremors, weight loss or exophthalmos
Infant with microcephaly and rocker-bottom feet
Trisomy 18, Edwards syndrome
Jaundice with tender hepatomegaly
Loss of outer 1/3 of eyebrows and slow reflexes
Koplik spots and fever followed by a fine maculopapular rash
Mental retardation, large scrotal tongue, umbilical hernia
Trisomy 21 Downs syndrome
Newborn with claw hand after difficult breech delivery
Klumpke’s palsy
Painful hip with a limp in an overweight teenager
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Fever, night sweats, weight loss, cough or hemoptysis
Gout and self mutilation in a child due to pain insensitivity
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
Heberden’s and Bouchard’s nodes
Hematemesis following protracted vomiting and retching
Mallory Weiss syndrome
Infant with microcephaly and indistinct philtrum
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Lower abdominal pain and 6-8 weeks of amenorrhea
Ectopic pregnancy
Middle aged male smoker with intermittent claudication
Buerger’s disease
Midsystolic click and atypical chest pain
Mitral valve prolapse
Nocturnal back pain, recurrent infections and fatigue
Multiplle Myeloma
Painful, pulseless, pale perishingly cold limb
Arterial embolism
Fever, maculopapulovesicular rash on trunk
Chicken pox
Foul, floating feces, fatigue and weightloss
Celiac disease
Hemoptysis in a chronic cigarette smoker
Lung cancer
Infant with mongoloid eyes and mental retardation
Trisomy 21 Downs syndrome
Irregularly irregular breathing
Biot’s respiration
Mole with irregular margins, change in color or size
Malignant Melanoma
Frequent urination with burning on micturition
Urinary tract infection
Hemoptysis and Hematuria
Goodpasture syndrome
Mucoid urethral discharge in a sexually active male
Chlamydia urethritis
Frothy urine, recurrent infections with normal blood pressure
Nephrotic syndrome
Honey colored crusts on face near the mouth and nose
Muscle cramps with a positive Chvostek test
Hyperpigmented oral cavity and intestinal polyps
Peutz-Jegher syndrome
Abdominal pain, splenomegaly in a black child
Sickle Cell Disease
Bone pain, head enlargement and deafness
Paget’s disease of bone
Cat scratch, fever and local lymphadenitis
Cat Scratch Disease
Coryza, conjunctivitis and “C”oplik spots
Hyperpigmented skin creases, bronze skin and fatigue
Addison disease
Adrenal hemorrhage and shock
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
Bronze skin, cirrhosis, and diabetes mellitus
Cauliflower like lesions on the hands or genitals
Cherry red spot on the macula
Tay-Sachs disease
Condylomata lata
Secondary syphilis
Hypertension, hypokalemia and metabolic acidosis
Conn’s disease
Amenorrhea, no lactation after postpartum hemorrhage
Sheehan’s syndrome
Buffalo hump, obesity and purplish abdominal striae
Cushing’s syndrome
Cherry red skin and headaches
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Hypertension, exophthalmos and goiter
Graves disease
Buboes in the groin, sign of the groove
Lymphogranuloma venereum
Arachnodactyl, lens dislocation hypermobile joints
Marfan’s syndrome
Chest pain worse on lying down and better on sitting forward
Argyll-Robertson pupil, aortic aneurysm and angina pectoris
Tertiary syphilis
Bull’s eye rash
Lyme disease
Chest pain worse with exertion, better with rest
Angina pectoris
Ataxia, heart problems and scoliosis
Friedreich’s disease
Butterfly rash and multiple painful joints in a young female
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Painful yellow genital ulcer
Rachitic rosary
Scanning speech, intention tremor and nystagmus
Multiple myeloma
Tall, thin male with gynecomastia and small testis
Klinefelter’s syndrome
Unilateral facial palsy with hyperacusis
Bell’s palsy
Vomiting blood in a jaundiced patient
Ruptured esophageal varices
Web neck, widely spaced nipples, underdeveloped breasts
Turner’s syndrome
Weight loss and change in bowel habits
Carcinoma of the colon
Painless beef-red genital ulcer
Granuloma inguinale
Rash on palms and soles, oral ulcers and fever in a child
Hand, Foot Mouth disease
Shortness of breath, fatigue, erythema nodosum
Thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal tumors
Sipple’s syndrome (Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia 2a)
Unilateral facial palsy with vesicles in the ear
Ramsey Hunt syndrome
Weight loss, diarrhea, fever and arthritis
Whipple’s disease
Painless jaundice and weightloss
Cancer of the head of the pancreas
Radiofemoral delay
Coarctation of the aorta
Recurrent crops of painful vesicles on the face
Unilateral facial palsy with deafness on the same side
Acoustic neuroma
Weight loss, recurrent infections in young adult
Pale mucous membranes and spoon shaped nails
Iron deficiency anemia
Worst headache of my life
Ruptured berry aneurysm
Palpitations, sweating and pressure headaches
Pancreatic, pituitary and parathyroid tumors
Wermer’s Syndrome (MEN1)
Recurrent episodes of wheezing in a child
Single transverse palmar crease and mental retardation
Down syndrome
Unilateral facial weakness with weakness in the arm and leg
Cerebrovascular Accident
Wet, wacky and wonky (incontinence, dementia, ataxia)
Normal pressure hydrocephalus
Pectus excavatum
Recurrent crops of painful ulcers on the genitals
Severe sore throat and swollen post auricular lymph nodes
Unilateral ptosis, anhydrosis and miosis
Horner’s syndrome
Pheochromocytoma, mucosal tumors and thyroid cancer
MEN 2b
Pink color, pursed lip breathing and barrel chest
Recurrent peptic ulcers
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
Situs inversus, chronic sinusitis and bronchiectasis
Kartagener’s syndrome
Unilateral throbbing head with aura
Classic migraine
Polyuria, polydypsia, but no polyphagia or glycosuria
Diabetes insipidus
Red-currant jelly sputum with fever and cough
Klebsiella pneumonia
Skin rash along dermatome with prodrome of local pain
Unilateral throbbing headaches without an aura
Common migraine
Polyuria, polydypsia, polyphagia, and gycosuria
Diabetes mellitus
Puffy eyelids, smoky urine and hypertension in a child
Regularly irregular breathing-increase with apneic spells
Cheyne-Stokes breathing
Splinter hemorrhages
Subacute bacterial endocarditis
Unilateral swollen leg after long travel
Deep vein thrombosis
Strawberry tongue, fever, rash
Scarlet fever
Resting tremors, mask like face and shuffling gait
Parkinson’s disease
Purplish lesions on arms, legs and oral cavity
HHV 8 Karposi sarcoma AIDS
Sudden tearing chest pain, sweating, feeling of doom
Dissecting thoracic aneurysm
Purulent urethral discharge in a sexually active male
Swollen ankles, shortness of breath and distended neck veins
Congestive heart failure
Rose-colored spots on trunk, fever and diarrhea
Typhoid fever
Sudden onset of dyspnea, hemoptysis and chest pain
Pulmonary embolism
Urethritis, conjunctivitis and arthritis
Reiter’s syndrome
Rust colored sputum, cough, fever and pleuritic chest pain
Streptococcal pneumonia
Swollen bleeding gums and painful joints in a child
Sudden onset of sever painful swollen big toe