Classical And Contemporary Classifications Flashcards
What are 3 features of a church?
Claim monopoly over truth
Acts as a conservative force
Generally supportive of the state
What are 3 features of a sect?
Exclusive (small)
Radical views/radical movement
Charismatic leader
What are 3 features of a denomination?
Tendency towards conservative
Separate from the state (but don’t reject it)
Less hierarchical than the church
What are 3 features of a cult?
Charismatic leader
What is the first point of evaluation for classical classification? And who?
Stark and Bainbridge
Religious organisations do not always fall into four different types. Better placed on a continuum.
What is the second point of evaluation of the classical classification?
Typology does not allow you to categorise religious organisations.
What is an NRM?
New religious movement
Refer to collecting a broad range of religious and spiritual groups which have emerged in western countries. Wide range of diverse groups, recruit from different backgrounds.
What types of NRMs is there?
World-affirming (affirmative of the world)
World-rejecting (rejection of the world)
World-accommodating (accommodating of the world)
Middle-ground (organisations which fit in more than one)
What are 3 features of world-affirming movements?
Lack rituals and control
Offer to unlock spiritual power and cope with modernity
Seek wide membership
What are 3 features of world-rejecting movements?
Highly critical of wider society Demand significant lifestyle changes Dress code - fundamentalism Seen as deviant Example - Sect Claim monopoly over truth
What are 3 features of world-accommodating movements?
Try to rediscover spiritual purity
Focus on inner religious life
Carry on with existing lifestyle
What is a NAM?
New Age Movement Phenomenon of the 1980s and 1990s Tend to be middle class people and mostly female No formal structure Like a world-affirming movement
What is Sheila-ism?
Where people construct their own belief
What is value consensus?
A shared/agreement of norms and values (functionalist view)
What are 3 reasons for why sects are short-lived?
Charismatic leader dies
Second generational problem
The views are too radical