Classic, triads, etc Flashcards
AS classic triad
SAD AS 352 (survival years respectfully)
- syncope, angina, dyspnea
pulse pressure in AS
“narrow AS pulse pressure”
hallmark of systolic heart failure:
- decreased EF
- increased EDV
defining characteristics of diastolic dysfunction
-symptomatic heart failure
-normal EF
(contractility preserved until late stage)
beck’s triad
muffled heart sounds
3 determinants of blood flow through LVOT (important for SAM/OHCM)
- systolic LV volume
- force of LV contraction
- transmural pressure gradient
greatest risk of re-stenosis post CAD w new STENTS
first 30 days
classic triad of AAA rupture
- hypotension
- back pain
- pulsatile abd mass
classic signs of Anterior Spinal Artery Syndrome (aka Beck’s Syndrome)
- flaccid/paralysis LE
- B and B dysfx
- loss pain & temp sens
- PRESERVED touch and proprioception
essential triad of anesthetic action (volatile anesthetic lecture)
- amnesia
- loss of consciousness
- immobility
clinical presentation that is highly suggestive of methemoglobinemia
cyanosis in presence of normal PaO2
classic presentation of pulmonary artery rupture (PA cath insertion)
gold standard for assessing myocardial function
treatment of choice for WPW + afib
procainamide (if stable)
cardioversion (if unstable)
definitive treatment of WPW
ablation of accessory pathway
curshigs triad of ICHtn
irregular respirations