Classic Study: Sherif Et Al. robber’s Cave Flashcards
What is this experiment investigating?
Inter group conflict and cooperation
To look at inter group relations over a period of time in order to investigate group formation, the effect of competition and the conditions under which conflict could be resolved.
Robber’s cave camp in Oklahoma
Two week camp (parents were paid $25 to incentivise them not to visit the boys during this period)
Opportunity sample of 200 boys from schools in Oklahoma City
• 22 ,middle class, white, Protestant, 11 year olds from Oklahoma
• All socially and emotionally well adjusted
• None of the boys knew each other prior to camp
There were three stages to this field experiment. A field experiment is where the behaviour would usually occur
What can we conclude from the results of this study?
• Intergeoup competition leads to increased in group favouritism and solidarity but also to out group hostility
• Increased social contact is not enough to reduce prejudice but a series of superordinate goals can reduce prejudice effectively
•created in-groups
• Divided into 2 groups
- The Rattlers or the Eagles
- equivalent abilities e.g IQ, sporting ability
• Non-competitive activities
- bond with their group
- canoeing, tent pitching, building campfires
• 2 eagles went home by the end of the week due to home sickness