Classes of animal sounds Flashcards
Give the 2 methods of animal sound.
Mechanical sounds
Respiratory sounds
How are mechanical sounds made ?
Movement- wings, legs
Thermoregulations- Shiver
Food processing- grind, click
What do mechanical sounds require ?
Mutual contact between body parts
Contact between the body and the environment.
What is Stridulation ?
Production of sound by rubbing together body parts.
Describe the Stridulation of grasshoppers.
Each forewing has a vein with ridges (File)
A scraper is found on the hind leg
Fast leg movements- rub F&S together vibrating the wings
How is the Stridulation of male grasshoppers an example of speciation ?
Diff, grasshopper species evolved
Due to female preference for male Stridulation song.
Songs are now species specific
Describe the overall Stridulation of Crickets and Bushcrickets.
File (50-300 ridges) on wings
Scraper on other wing.
Rub when opening and closing to cause wings to vibrate
What is function of the mirror and the harp in cricket Stridulation ?
They are resonating areas of wing which amplify sound.
Are tuned to the frequency of the scraper.
Describe the amplification techniques of the mole cricket.
Hollow abdomen resonates
Complex singing burrow for head and thorax. Horn shaped opening for abdomen.
What are the advantages of a mole crickets singing burrow ?
Amplifies song
Provides protection from predation
Describe the Stridulation of a cicada.
Contract internal timbal muscle
Buckles inwards creating click
Relax internal timbal muscles
Producing another click
How does the Cicada amplify its sound ?
Via air filled cavities in the abdomen
Amplify via resonance.
Give the names of the 2 fish families which are highly vocal.
Pomadasyidae- Grunts
Sciaenidae - Drums, Croakers
How does the seahorse create noise ?
Uses head flick
Which species drums on its swim bladder ?
They contract a muscle attached to the SB to drum
How does the herring signal to its shoal to avoid predation ?
By releasing air from its anus.
How do snipe create noise for vocal displays ?
In-flight ‘drumming’ display
Steep powered dive sets outer tail feathers to vibrate.
How do Manikins create their high pitched display sound ?
By rubbing their wing feathers together.
What noise production technique does the leafhopper use ?
Substrate vibrations
Vibrate the plant as a means of communication.
Not audible by predators
How do Hares and Rabbits create a warning signal ?
Use their hind legs to thumb the ground.
Substrate and Airbourne sound
Give 2 species which use airborne signals to communicate
Both drum on trees