Class, the Courts and Punishment Flashcards
What fraction of the Prison population are unskilled or unemployed?
The Surveying Prisoner Crime Reduction survey found that what percentage never had a job, what percentage were on benefits 12 months prior to incarceration and what percentage had no qualifications?
13% had never had a job, 64% were on benefits 12months prior to incarceration and 47% had no qualifications.
What is the idea that the middle class are the ‘invisible offenders’?
That the Police focus on burglary and robbery (street crime) rather that that of embezzlement and tax evasion.
Differential treatment? How might the middle class be treated differently when committing the same offence?
Bad attitude (of lower classes), demeanour (of middle class) and latchkey kids.
Political and Economic formations (1) What is Neo-liberalism?
Key Phrases: free market capitalism, individual liberties, acceptance of material inequalities over individual freedoms.
Political and Economic formations (2) What is Conservative Corporatism?
Key Phrases: key groups (such as unions and businesses) integrate with nation state and negotiate mutually beneficial policies.
Political and Economic formations (3) What is a Social Democracy?
Key Phrases: Use of welfare systems to promote egalitarian government, reducing social inequalities by having highly distributive regimes.
In US incarceration, prison is a common life even for what birth cohort?
Black, non-college males
How might higher class perpetrators receive a harsher sentence?
Weberian explanation: honour based: their status warrant more punitive punishment.