class notes heart&vessels Flashcards
what vessel brings venous blood up from the liver to the right atrium
Inferior vena cava
Superior vena cava brings venous blood where?
down from the head and upper extremities to the right atrium
Venous blood flows is:
From right atrium to tricuspid valve to right ventricle through pulmonic valve to pulmonary artery to lungs
where is the blood oxygenated?
Fresh blood flows is:
Through pulmonary veins to left atrium through mitral valve to left ventricle through aortic valve into aorta
what does the aorta do?
Aorta delivers oxygenated blood to the body
Cardiac cycle has how many cycles?
has two cycles– diastole/systole
what happen in the diastole cycle?
ventricles relax, fill with blood
what happens in the systole cycle?
heart contracts
blood pumped from ventricles &
fills pulmonary and systemic arteries.
where can you hear S1?
S1 (normal) – can be heard all over pericordium,
*loudest at APEX
where can you hear S2?
S2(normal) – can be heart all over pericordium,
*loudest at BASE
where can you hear S3?
S3 ( normal or abnormal)- can be heard at apex or left lower sternal border
When can S4 occur?
S4 (could occur in adults older than 40 without cardiovascular disease, especially after exercise.
What is the process to assess heart sounds during auscultation over precordium?
Auscultate from base of heart to apex in zig zag formation over four valve areas (aortic, pulmonic, tricuspid, mitral)
What does heart murmur sound like?
Gentle, blowing, swooshing sound heard on the chest wall