class notes Flashcards
How will the tibia move during PF and DF in a closed chain?
- tibia follows the contours of the talus
- therefore it IR and glides anteriorly during DF
- therefore it ER and glides posteriorly during PF
What motions are often overlooked with talocural joint mobility and motion assessment?
- it is a triplanar joint so there are also inv/evr and add/abd
- there is also a slight medial and lateral glide
How does decreased DF with squating impact the kinematic chain?
- increased knee vlagus
- decreased quad activation
- increase soleus activation
how does the distal fibula move in open chain?
- supination-glides distal and posterior
- pronation- glides proximal, anterior and ER
- PF- glides distal and slight IR
- DF- glides proximal with slight ER, and separation of the tib/fib joint
How are the facets surfaces of the calcaneous shaped?
- 2-3 facets forming a planar joint
- anterior and middel are biconcave
- posterior facet is cone shaped
How do pronation and supination chain with weight bearing?
- pronation- CC elemets of PF and OC elements of DF
2. supination- CC elements of DF, OC element of PF
How doe the bone of the rear and midfoot move during pronation?
- anterior tip of calcaneous move laterally
- talar head ADD adn PF
- navicular glides superiorly on talus and ER
- cubid glides laterally and superiorly
What bone of the foot has a similar problem to the scaphoid and why?
talus, it has no muscular attachments so it blood supply is entirely through ligamentous connections
What is the function of the interosseous talocalcaneal ligament?
keeps the joint from separating and creates a screw down rotation
Were will you find the interosseous talocalacneal ligament?
between the anterior and middle facets
What impact does a plantar flexed first ray have on the mechanical chain?
- it restricts IR of the tibia
- it restrict calcaneal eversion
- prevents pronation and shock attenuation
Where will a PF first ray cause a calus?
under the first met head
What muscle stabilizes the first ray?
peroneus longus
What is the sygnergistic relationship between extesnion of the hallux and first ray plantar flexion?
- 65 degrees of hallux is ext is required for gait
- firt 20 degrees of extension is without plantar flexion of the first ray
- after 20 degrees there is a 1:3 movement of the first ray PF to hallux DF
what impact will a hypermobile first ray have?
- decreased hallus extesnion
- can contribute to hallux adductus
- metarsal stress fracutres
- unlcerations under the central foot
What is typically injured with an inversion sprain?
- ATFL if ankle is PF
- CFL in neutral
- secondary PTFL
- avulsion fracture of the distal fibula
What effects can excessive pronation have on the kinetic chain?
- excessive tibial IR
- delayed ER of the tibia with running
- everted rear foot
- valgus knee position can force patella laterally
- anterior pelvic tilt
- contralateral lumbar side bend
- functional leg length shortening
How would you identify leg length impact on the lumbar spine posture?
- check the posture standing wher leg length effects it
2. re-check seated where leg length should be removed
What is the stretch shortening cycle?
- a pre-contraction of the muscle takes up tissue slack
2. when the muscle is loaded it is able to contract at a slower pace and generate greater concentric force
how does the amount of DF vary for running, sprinting and walking?
1running 30 degrees
- sprinting- 10-20 degrees
- walking 10 degrees
What are the synergistic movement patterns of the closed chain lower leg?
- knee EXT, tibial ER, rearfoot INV, forefoot PF
2. knee FLEX, tbial IF, rearfoot EVR, forefoot DF
Which joint system can you treat in isolation?
What is an orthotic post?
anything that is added to the shell of the orthotic
What is the advantage of the soft orthotic over the rigid?
it decreases the rate of motion without blocking it
What is normal eversion at heel strike?
4 degrees
what does the literature say about the use of orthotics for knee OA?
- it can alter the angle of the eke
- some pain reduction
- no evidence for structural or functional impact
How long do running shoes last?
- 250-500 miles ethyl vinyl or polyurethane loose the ability to attenuate GRF
- isoles usually fail in 6-9 months