Class II div II Flashcards
What is the best time for growth modification?
Adolescent growth spurt
Boys: 14 +/- 2 years
Girls: 12 +/- 2 years
What is the BSI definition of a class II div II?
Lower incisal edges occlude posterior to the cingulum plateau of the upper incisors.
Upper incisors are retroclined
OJ is reduced - can also be increased
What is the AP skeletal aetiology of a class II div II?
Usually associated with a mild or moderate Sk 2 base
CAN BE 1or 3 but uncommon
What is the FMPA angle for a class II div II?
Reduced FMPA
What pattern of growth rotation is associated with class II div II malocclusion?
FORWARD growth rotation
What are the soft tissue characteristics of a class II div II and how do they contribute to aetiology of this malocclusion?
Marked labio-mental fold
HIGH lower lip line - pushes on upper incisors and retroclines them
What can happen if short clinical crown length of lateral incisors of class II div II?
They can escape the retroclining effect of the lower lip, and get caught in a lip trap.
What are the dental features of a class II div II?
HAVE TO HAVE - Retronclined upper and lower incisors
Deep OB
OJ USUALLY reduced
Class II molar relationship
Increased inter-incisal angle
Upper laterals thin with poorly developed cingulum
What iotn dhc score would be common and indicative of treatment in a class II div II?
4f - traumatic overbite with gingival or palatal trauma
Why would you treat a class II div II malocclusion?
Aesthetic concerns
Dental health concerns - traumatic over bite?
What factors influence available treatment options?
Severity of malocclusion
Age and motivation of patient
Dental health
Patient concerns
What can be used to reduce an OB in a URA?
When would you accept a class II div II malocclusion?
Acceptable aesthetics
Non-traumatic OB
Patient unconcerned
What are the criteria for growth modification in class II div II malocclusions?
Growing patient - patient in pubertal growth spurt
Mild to moderate Sk II
What is the aim of growth modification in class II div II patients?
Convert them to class II div I - detail occlusion with fixed appliances