What evidence for social class differences in working class children?
More likely to start school unable to read
Do less well in SAT’s
Less likely to go on to Sixth Form and University
How can we explain these differences?
Factors affecting underachievement linked to class split in two areas -
EXTERNAL FACTORS (outside the education system at home and wider society)
INTERNAL FACTORS (relationships/process within school)
Outside the education system
Name elements of material depravation and meaning of it
Lack of money
Diet and health
The cost of education
Explain housing in MD
Poor housing can effect exam results, results in pupils mot having room to study to due house being overcrowded or sharing of bedroom.
Means less room for educational activities, nowhere to do homework and disturbed sleep from bedroom sharing so on.
Due to lack of space younger children especially affected, as development can become impaired.
If house isn’t properly heated it may be cold, damp making children unwell, respiratory illnesses. Families in temp accom suffer more distress, infections, accidents. If families living in temp accom may find moving more frequently, resulting in constant changes of school and disturbed education.
Explain Diet and Health in MD
Howard 2001 found that children from poorer homes eat a poor diet lacking necessary vitamins/ minerals, no energy, feel tired and more likely to be ill. Results in missing more school, when present trouble concentrating. Children from poorer homes also more likely to have emotional or behavioural problems.
According to Wilkinson 1996 among 10 year olds the lower the social class, higher the rate of hyperactivity, anxiety and conduct disorders all likely to have negative impact on child’s education.
Explain The cost of education in MD
Argument states WCC are disadvantaged as they are more likely to lack material factors that create a good educational environment
(good housing, clothes, healthy food, study space, lack of educational books, equipment)
David bull 1980 refers this as ‘the costs of free schooling’. Children from poorer families miss out on school trips, equipment which may help education.
Tanner 2003 found it was difficult for poorer families to afford all the things their child needed for school ( transport, uniforms, books, calculators, sports, music, art equip)
Poorer children will also not have fashionable coats/shoes and may have second hand clothing/equipment. Ridge 2002 found in her study this means these children are bullied by others, affecting education. Also found low income families children may have to work part time, can interfere with education.
Why working class pupils are more likely than middle class to leave schooling at 16, few go uni.
FEAR OF DEBT - going uni involves more debt to cover cost of tuition fees , WC students more risk averse = uni something to be avoided
Criticisms of Material Deprivation?
Some working class children do not suffer from material depravation, but still underachieve eg skilled manual workers (WC jobs) like builders, plumbers may earn a lot but children don’t do well in school.
.Not all poor children fail, those with supportive parents can have high motivational levels
.Pupil premium was a gov policy introduced to help give extra money to assist poorer family with educations + combat MD
Lack of correct norms/value to succeed in education
CD theorists argue that parents pass on the values of their class via PS. Attitudes + values key factor affecting achievement. May argue WC lack values/attitudes/correct language to succeed in education contrasting to middle class culture correct to succeed.
Research to support cultural depravation theory?
AO2 Working class subculture, SUGARMAN 1970 found WC subculture consists of certain values that lead to educational underachievement/exam failure.
Present time gratification - life life in the moment, don’t worry about future. (Middle class have future time orientation)
Immediate gratification - wanting rewards now than working hard for them in future. (Middle class have deferred gratification which works hard - better rewards in future)
Fatalistic attitude - WC children believe nothing they can do to make their life better, based on fate and luck.
SUGARMAN further argues WC children internalise such beliefs and values of their subculture via socialisation process = underachieving in school.
What is a criticism of SUGARMAN 1970 Cultural Depravation Working Class theory?
This is a dated study, as now many parents may encourage children to well as value education, however may struggle helping with homework as didn’t get good education themselves.
What is an external and internal factor?
Language - BERNSTEIN 1975
Essential part of process of education and way parent communicate with children which affects schooling. Bernstein looks at link between educational achievement and speech patterns.
Two patterns Elaborated code and Restricted code.
The working class tend to use restricted code ‘short hand’ and ‘text like’ speech with simple + unfinished sentences, not analytic but descriptive
The middle class use elaborated code which is more complex, meanings clearly spelt out and more adjectives+verbs.
Education used elaborated speech code, used by teacher for example, also expected in pupils homework. = Reduces chances WC can do well in school.
What is a criticism of the BERNSTEIN 1975 theory?
1 - some researchers have questioned his view that members of WC are limited to restricted code + that their speech is inadequate. Working class have ability to switch between both codes.
2 - Marxists say it’s not fault of WC that school doesn’t value their culture, fault of capitalist system.
What are general criticisms of Material Depravation?
1 - KEDDIE describes CD as myth, and victim blaming. WC just have a different culture not a worse or devalued one.
2 - Theory blames the individual for their failure, diverting attention from failings of education system.
3 - Ignores effect of poverty ( material deprivation)
How can cultural deprivation be overcome?
By offering WC compensatory education - general term for policies that try to address CD eg
Educational Action Zones 1990s - money spend of pre school scenes for deprived WC areas
Sure Start 2000 - provide education for pre-school children+work with parents to stress importance of education