Class Differences In Achivemt Internal Factors Flashcards
Attach a meaning/definition
Stereotyped on Home background
Becker 60 students label idea pupil mc closet
Secondary school labelling
Normalise underachievement mc overcome it wc can’t
Primary school labelling
Rits - home background different groups and tables faster learner Tiger mc slower clowns wc
Teacher expectations
Rosenathel + Jacobson
Decieve teachers on spurts 47% made progress teacher attention behaviours attitude have effect spf
Kids split on ability sfp wc lower hard move up locked in get message
Mc higer streams idea pupil benefit work hard
Streaming and ac economy
Gillborn and youdal - stereotypical notion wc/black less opportunity succeed school need good LTP gain funding and kids that create ac economy system focuse on ideal pupil
Pupil subculture
Lacey Similar values/pattern emerge from streaming
Differentiation - categorised behaviour attitude ability inferior low set
Polarisation - pupil responses
Pro School subculture
Mc high streams committed schools values gain status from Ed sucess
Anti school subcultures
Low stream wc low self esteem school undermine self worth inferior
Gain status of peers go again all school no hw smoking lead sfp
Abolishing streaming
Abolish banding stop polarisation subculture removed
Differentiation continues cuz teachers labelling spf
Variety of pupils responses
Ingratiation - teacher pet
Ritualism - stay out of trouble
Retreatism- day dreaming
Rebellion - rejection all school
Criticism of labelling
Marxist - ignore wide structures of power that labelling takes place blame teachers but why they do it reproducing class division
Fuller girls - pro Ed anti school untypical high achievers reject label don’t seek attention from teachers
Learned way of thinking behaving social class preference of lifestyle mc superior habitus Ed give advantage
Symbolic violence/capital
Mc symbolic capital wc devalued tasteless/worthless reproduce class structure keep wc in place
See Ed unnatural alien loose themselves to sucseed
Nike identities
Create self worth/status branded clothes don’t conform social suicide safe from bullying label rebels
Unrealistic - don’t fit in
Undesirable - not prefer lifestyle/habitus
Working class identity/educational sucess
Igram - wc indenity inseparable locality key part of habitus abandon to sucseed
Class identity self exclusion
Lots wc young people go uni but clash habitus don’t apply elite uni barriers not fitting in have attachment to locality limit options and unis effecting sucess