Class differences in achievement Flashcards
Explaing class differences
Internal factors
External factors
Cultural deprivation (External)
Language (Speech codes)
Parents education
working-class subcultures
Speech codes (External)
The restricted code
The elaborated code
Parents eduction (External)
Parenting style
Parents educational behaviours
use of income
class, income and Parental education
Working-class subcultures (External)
Immediate gratification
Present time orientation
Compensatory eduction
The myth of cultural deprivation
Material deprivation (External)
Diet and Health
Financial support and the costs of education
Bourdieu’s three types of capital (External)
Cultural capital
Educational capital
Economic Capital
Labelling Def (Internal)
Giving a student with a certain characteristic such as trouble maker or hardworking
Self fulfilling prophecy (Internal)
1) The teacher labels a pupil
2) The teacher treats the pupil the same as the label
3) The pupil internalises the treatment and becomes the label
Streaming (Internal)
streaming involves separating children into different ability groups or classes called ‘streams’
Pupil subcultures (Internal)
The Pro-school subcultures
The Anti-school subcultures
Abolishing streaming (Internal)
Stephan ball (1981)
The variety of pupil responses (Internal)
Pupils class identities and the school (Internal)
symbolic capital
symbolic violence
‘nike’ identities
working class identity
educational success
Class identity and self-exclusion
the relationship between internal and external factors