Class Differences In Acheivement (external Factors) Flashcards
Hubbs-Tait et al found educated parents more likely to use language that challenges children to evaluate own understating e.g., what do you think? This increases cognitive performance but less educated parents more likely to use simple language, so children use simple sentences.
Speech codes
Bernstein distinguishes between elaborated code (mainly used by mc, involves wider vocab, grammatically correct sentences and used in school) and restricted code (the opposite)
Parents education
Douglas found wc parents placed less value on education, less ambitious for their children who were less encouraged. Feinstein says parents’ education is most important factor affecting children’s achievement
Parenting style
Less educated use harsh discipline leading to poor motivation in school, more educated use consistent discipline and have high expectations of their children
Parents educational behaviour
Educated parents more aware of what they can do to assist their child’s educational progress
Use of income
Bernstein and Young found better educated parents more likely to spend money on educational toys, books etc on children
WC subcultures
Barry Sugarman found 4 key features acting as barrier to education including fatalism, collectivism, immediate gratification and present-time orientation
Compensatory education
Operation Head start, Sesame Street aim to tackle cultural deprivation problems
Keddie says this explanation is victim blaming as no child is culturally deprived
Overcrowding, damp can cause health problems
Diet and health
Howard notes wc lower intake of vitamins, poorer health so poorer attendance
Cost of education
Bull looks at ‘costs of free schooling’ which Tanner says includes things like books, travel, tutors
Cultural capital
Bourdieu looks at cultural capital (knowledge + tastes of mc) as well as educational and economic capital which are all related to each other. Sullivan’s survey of 465 pupils found successful pupils with more cultural capital were more likely to be mc but resources and aspiration make up rest of the attainment gap