class chondrichthyes Flashcards
skeleton type
cartilage skeleton
body shape
heterocercal - top lobe bigger
gill type
gills w/ gill slits
color pattern
only use caudal fin for movement - side by side motion
rough like sandpaper, lay together tightly like armor
some lay eggs, some are live birth, and some do both
sense of smell
very good
very good
ampullae of lorenzini
hundreds of tiny pits in face to detect electrical impulses caused by muscle movement in water
nictitating membrane
special eyelid for protection while biting
what are the three classifications of sharks
shallow water, pelagic, and deep water
shallow water sharks
spend lives on the continental shelf
exs. leaped, great white, nurse, reef, hammerhead, tiger, and bull
pelagic water sharks
fast swimmers with a muscular body, only occasionally come close to shore
exs. mako, thresher, blue, whale, basking
deep water sharks
slow swimmers, flabby body w/ a weak skeleton
exs. mega mouth, goblin, cookie cutter