Class And Attainment In Ed Flashcards
The values of the w/c are a self imposed barrier
The w/c subculture is fatalistic, concerned with immediate gratification
Key factor in Ed achievement is parental interest, m/c parents are more likely to encourage their kids at school
Blackstone and Waterman
W/c parents are interested in Ed but many feel uncomfortable in a school environment
Language codes- w/c have restrictive Lang, m/c have elaborated Lang which they share with school
Criticises Bernstein, little evidence of language codes and it’s wrong to think of w/c as inferior
Myth of cultural deprivation however this myth informs teacher labelling
Ed action zones of new labour are based on the idea of cultural deprivation but they oppose the idea that w/c attitudes are inferior
Waldfogal and washbrook
W/c children start school 1.1months cognitively behind their m/c peers - due to material factors
Sutton Trust
M/c children are more likely to experience private tuition and are to participate in paid extra curricular activities
Smith and noble
Low income is a barrier to learning
Middle classes have cultural capital to succeed , have the same values and attitudes of the Ed system
Middle class students were more likely to read high brow fiction and TV - evidence of cultural capital