Describe the structure of an artery wall.
V/ muscular therefore allows for more constriction and dilation.
What is the PVS composed of?
- arteries
- veins
- capillaries
- lymphatic drainage occurs here
Describe the structure of lymphatic vessels.
- flat
- have valves to prevent backflow
- finger-like ends
- contain ISF
What is the function of lymohatic collecting vessels?
Collects lymph from lymph capillaries
carries lymph to and away from lymph nodes
returns fluid to circulatory veins near the heart
What are the 2 lymohatic ducts and their drainage patterns?
- R lymphatic duct to R subclavian vein
- Thoracic duct to L subclavian vein
Identify the 4 palpable lymph nodes.
If a lymph node is palpable, what other characteristics should it have?
moveable, discrete, soft, non-tender
What is Lymphadenopathy?
- “swollen lymph nodes > 1 cm in diameter
- often from infection, allergy, or neoplasm
What is lymphedema?
Interrupted or damaged lymphatic drainage resulting in accumulation of lymph fluid in interstitial space
firm, not pitting
what is nail clubbing?
tissue change that occurs with chronic low oxygen states.
What is the most common pulse used to assess perfusion? 2nd most?
How do you measure BP on an arm with edema?
Do not take BP on that arm.
Why would you not use a BP cuff on someone with access for dialysis. What should you do instead?
B/c we do not want to increase the pressure in their arm. Bruit + Thrill assessment instead.
What is bruit?
What is thrill?
used on patient w access for dialysis.
bruit sounds = sound of turbulent blood flow (whoooooooooooooooosh)
thrill = feeling the blood flow
What does it mean if a patient experiences increased pain and pallor when you elevate their legs?
arterial insufficiency
What does it mean if a patient experiences edema, decreased pain, and rubor when you elevate their legs?
venous insufficiency
What does it mean when a patient feels relief when you dangle their legs?
arterial insufficiency
What does it mean when a patient experiences edema or redness when you dangle their legs?
Venous insufficiency
What does the CWCM acronym stand for?