Define Gas Exchange
Process by which oxygen is transported to cells and carbon dioxide is transported from cells
Define Ischemia
Insufficient flow of oxygenated blood to tissues that may result in hypoxemia and subsequent cell injury
Define Hypoxia
Insufficient oxygen reaching cells
Define Anoxia
Total lack of oxygen in body tissues
Define Hypoxemia
Reduced oxygenation of arterial blood
Identify the 4 respiratory defense mechanisms
Gag reflex (to prevent aspiration)
Filtration of air
Mucociliary clearance system (cough reflex + reflex bronchoconstriction)
Alveolar macrophages
What are the effects of aging on:
- elastic recoil
- chest wall compliance
- anteroposteiror diameter
- functioning alveoli
- DECREASED elastic recoil
- DECREASED chest wall compliance
- INCREASED anteroposterior diameter
- DECREASED functioning alveoli
What are the effects of aging on:
- cell-mediated immunity
- specific antibodies
- cilia function
- cough force
- alveolar macrophage function
- DECREASED cell-mediated immunity
- DECREASED specific antibodies
- DECREASED cilia function
- DECREASED cough force
- DECREASED alveolar macrophage function
What are the effects of aging on:
- response to hypoxemia
- response to hypercapnia
- DECREASED response to hypoxemia
- DECREASED response to hypercapnia
What types of questions would you ask a patient about their health history during a respiratory assessment?
surgery or other treatments
- any allergies?
- history of respiratory infection or lung disease?
current health history
- how is your breathing?
- do you have a cough? Is it productive? what colour?
- any SOB or dyspnea? on exertion? when lying down (orthopnea)? does it wake you up at night?
- any chest pain? is it constant or intermittent? with deep breahts? on inspiration or expiration?
self care history
- do you smoke or live with someone who smokes?
- how long have you smoked for?
- how many cigarettes a day do you smoke?
do you take any medications to help your breathing?
What is orthopnea?
SOB when lying down
What is Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea (PND)?
SOB that wakes you up at night.
What is a sigh? Is it a normal finding?
Greater inspiration + expiration
normal finding
what is tachypnea?
rapid, shallow breathing
what is hyperventilation?
Rapid breathing, larger inspirations
what is bradypnea?
slow breathing, normal volume
what is hypoventilation?
breathing too shallow + too slow to meet the needs of the body