Class 6 Flashcards
More numbers of cells. Ex: weight lifting
Cells become simpler, die off quickly
If stressors continue, cells look deranged, can become cancerous if stressor is not removed
A new growth of cells, tumour
Benign: non cancerous, depends on location. cells well differentiated, grow slowly, encapsulated, local effects
Malignant: cancerous, extensions to other tissues. Grow rapidly, non-encapsulated, generalized effects, metastasis (can move around)
Stages of Tumor Spread
Carcinoma in situ (epithelial malignant tumors that have not broken through the basement membrane or invaded supporting tissue
Stage based on Tumour (size & location), Nodes (are they invaded), Metastases( how far from original site),
Phases of Normal to Killer Cell Transformation
Initiation: carcinogenic agent exposure, encourage cell to grow
Promotion: cell proliferates faster than normal
Progression: tumor acquires malignant characteristics (autonomy–> independent, increased cohesiveness, invade)
Cancer Cell Characteristics
Anaplasia (cancer cells are pleomorphic with many different shapes, are undifferentiated & more primitive which results in rapid multiplication
Autonomy: cancer cells have independence from normal cellular controls like apoptosis, cohesiveness & stoppage of growth
Cancers arising from the epithelial tissues
Cancer cells thats arise from ductal or glandular epithelium (ex: breast tumour)
cancers arising from connective tissue (Ex: skeletal muscle cancers)
Cancers arising from lymphatic tissue
Cancers of blood-forming cells
Risk Factors for Cancer
Genetics (50 cancers are related to genetics like breast cancer & colon cancer, aneuplodies are more likely to have cancer)
Environment Specific Risk Factors for Cancer
Tobacco: cancers of lung lower urinary tract, aerodigestive tract, liver, kidney, pancreas, cervix, & myeloid leukemia
Alcohol: Cancers of oral, pharynx, hypopharynx, larynx, esophagus & liver
Sex: age of first encounter, number of partners, safety, pregnancy
Ionizing radiation: emissions of x-rays, radioisotopes can cause cell death, gene mutations & chromosomal aberration
Ultraviolet Radiation: Basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma & melanoma, from sunlight that promotes skin inflammation & release of free radicals
Occupational Hazards
Lack of physical activity
Tumor Suppressor Genes
Tells cells to slow replication