Class 5 (Sep 24) Flashcards
Earliest writing we have of church Fathers.
Clement of Rome
First of church Fathers. Murdered. 3rd Generation
Ignatius of Antioch
7 Letters, talks about Paul and John’s letters, Jesus’ teaching about life. We should imitate Christ
Clement of Alexandria
Wrote Pedagogue
Greek Fathers
Justin Martyr, St Iraneaus of Lyons
Justin Martyr
Greek Father. Philosopher, defended agianst immoralities of the time. Bold.
Sta Iraneus of Lyons
Greek Father. Perfection comes from Jesus Christ from within. Jesus is the new Adam.
African Fathers
Tertullians, Cyprian of Carthage, Clement of Alexandria.
African Father. Wrote in Latin. Lawyer. Used legal terms. Sin is like breaking the law.
Cyprian of Carthage
African Father. Bishop Zyrs after baptism. Said only bishops can ordain bishops, defended the Lord’s prayer. Our Father, not My Father.
Clement of Alexandria
African and Greek Father. Philosophy leads to Theology. Wrote the pedagogue. Scripture is important. Talks about the issues of the day, understandable.
Written by Clement of Alexandria. 1st manual about broadening and deepening the faith (catechism)
Latin Fathers
St Ambrose, St Augustine of Hippo
St Ambrose
Latin Father. Bishop of Milan. Sacred Scripture forms the basis for moral teaching. Cardinal/Hinge virtues form life of a Christian.
Cardinal Virtues
Prudence, Justice, Temperance, Fortitude. Taught by St Ambrose.
St Augustine of Hippo
Wrote the Confessions. Theological, Philosophical, Mystical value. Wrote 3 to 4 thousand manuscripts in 44 years, but only 570 remain.
Confession in the Middle Ages
Individual instead of communal confessions. Like a 2nd baptism, specialized confessor priest who used penitential books.
St Bonaventure
Middle Ages. The first purpose of Theology is to make us holy
St Thomas Aquinas
Middle Ages. No separation of truth and behavior. God gave us the theological virtues. Morality starts from within. Wrote the suma theologica. Supported dialectic
star with two opposing opinions, conversation leads to truth.
Fundamental moral theology
laws, human act, conscience, sin
Special moral theology
Permitted and forbidden. The five laws of the church: Holy days of obligation, Eucharist at Easter, confession at least once a year, follow days of abstinence and fasting.
St Alpholsus
Patron saint of moral theologians. Use your brain to think of a middle road instead of being super lax, or super strict with laws.
Heresy. Solo Scriptura: only the bible matters. Stressed a personal relationship with God.
St Theresa of Avila
Renaissance. Spiritual Castle
St John of the Cross
Renaissance. Spiritual Canticle
St Philip of Neri
Renaissance. Evangelized young people
St Charles Boromeo
Renaissance. Renew interior self and priestly life.
St Francis DeSales
Renaissance. The Devout life.
There was no room for God. Instead reason and science dominated. Subjectivism, individualism, relativism were born
Vatican I
The pope is infallible, the ethics of virtue, Pope Leo XIII writes on the condition of the working man.