Class 3 (Sep 10) Flashcards
A gift from the holy spirit where the pope and bishop definitively declare truth about faith and morals
Doctrine of Faith
defined by pope and council, taught by magisterium. Infallibly taught with revelation. Authoritatively taught, found by logic
Post-Conciliar Clarification
wording can change, truth does not
What is not dissent
I don’t understand, I wish they taught otherwise, I’m dissapointed
What is dissent
requires excommunication. Obstinate rejection of creed or doctrine
What if a teaching is erroneously mistaken
assume the magisterium have good reason. Study. Pray. Suffer in silence, the magisterium will correct itself. Don’t usurp authority, try to call a conference to overrule the magistrerium.
Gelasian Decree
The Bible is recieved, not a human invention. Everything is tested
Morals in Genesis
Motivated by survival, hospitality, God travelled with them, so there was no temple. Revenge.
theological virtues
Faith, hope, love (charity)
John 5:30
Authority and words form Jesus Christ
How is the term magisterium misleading?
It means teacher, not master. You can’t pray without God’s help.
Sensus fidelium
Not public opinion. Caused by the holy spirit
Interpret the Bible
Listening to scripture. Understanding the language of the time
normal to the times
timeless, Jesus
Christ is the center of Faith. Catechesis comes to the church from the Holy Spirit. We do good, we are saved by grace. Forgiveness requires conversion. Virtues cause us to become like God.