Class 5 Flashcards
what key concepts are found in Drinka’s article? (2)
- the essential elements of interprofessional knowledge leadership
- types of leaders
according to Drinka, what are the essential elements of interprofessional leadership (6)
- environment
- situation
- leaders (formal and informal)
- team members (followers, peers)
- power
- communication
according to Drinka, interprofessional (IP) leadership should be viewed as…
- a system rather than a set of qualities one person possesses
describe the essential element of Environment r/t Drinka’s article (13)
- social structure
- roles
- physical setting
- organization
- structures for communication
- history
- team culture
- politics
- phase of member/team development
- interest & availability of staff members
- reliability of technology
- interactions within & outside work
- internal or external backdrop for the IPC team
all things which impact leadership
according to Drinka, who is considered a formal leader?
- someone given a designated title by the organization or team
according to Drinka, who is an informal leader
- anyone who moves the work of the team forward
according to Drinka, who is a non-leader
- someone who refuses to assume any leadership
according to Drinka, some teams work best w ______ r/t leaders
- several informal and formal leaders
describe the following of formal leaders by the team according to Drinka
- at times, the formal leader of the group is not followed by the majority –> people will follow a more appropriate informal leader
according to Drinka, the essential element of Situation refers to?
- the tasks at hand that require a team’s attention
according to Drinka, the situations may be… (4)
- complex/simple
- normal/abnormal
- straightforward/ambiguous
- high/low stress
according to Drinka, the nature of the Situation should dicate ____
who takes the lead
according to Drinka, team members have the role of…
- accepting or rejecting leadership
according to Drinka, what should be continuously assessed r/t team members
- whether leaders are performing necessary tasks
according to Drinka, leadership is related to…
- social power
according to Drinka, what are major sources of power with IP leadership (6)? which of these become less important over time?
- commitment
- professional knowledge
- energy
- organizational skills
- ability & willingness to teach & learn
- charisma –> becomes less imp over time
describe the essential element of Communication r/t Drinka’s article
- each member of the team is responsible to ensure his or her communications are being received & understood by other team members
according to Drinka, what are different types of leaders/why individuals might assume professional leadership? (5)
- prior experience/training
- natural leaders
- reluctant leaders
- now you see them, now you dont
- resentment of the physician as leader
describe the relationship between prior experience/training and assuming leadership according to Drinka (2)
- may be a factor in why some people are willing to lead
- feel that their experience has prepared them to take the lead
describe the relationship between natural leaders and assuming leadership according to Drinka
- people may be perceived as natural leaders by the team and appointed regardless of experience
describe the relationship between reluctant leaders and assuming leadership according to Drinka (2)
- chosen by team despite not feeling ready
- may comply w consensus as they feel obligated or refuse the responsibility
describe the relationship between “Now you see them, now you don’t” leaders and assuming leadership according to Drinka (3)
- people who withdraw from leadership for temporary (ex. maternity leave) or permanent reasons
- team may not view them as a leader if gone too much
- some people have a hard time withdrawing from leadership as they fear they will be less powerful/respected on their return
according to Drinka, what are some reasons that people may avoid leadership? (2)
- feel like leaders are disliked
- waiting to see who else might want to step up
according to Suter, what are 2 core competencies for effective collaboration practice?
- role understanding & appreciation of other roles
- and communiciation