Class 2 Flashcards
what key concepts are found in the Cahn article? (2)
- core competencies of IPC can be re-written to work towards correcting systemic racism
- the importance of structural competency
according to Cahn, the core competencies of IPC can be re-written to…
- work towards correcting systemic racism
according to Cahn, how can the core competency of IPC “values/ethics” be re-written to include correction of systemic racism?
- HCP should band together to advocate for repeal of policies that adversely affect the health of minority populations
according to Cahn, how can the core competency of IPC “roles/responsibilities” be re-written to include correction of systemic racism?
- HCP should reflect critically on their own racial positions & how it establishes power imbalances between team members, pts, and families
according to Cahn, how can the core competency of IPC “interprofessional communication” be re-written to include correction of systemic racism?
- HCP should enhance perspective taking & analysis of idenity-making thru small group discussion
according to Cahn, how can the core competency of IPC “teams/teamwork” be re-written to include correction of systemic racism?
- HCP should form meaningful partnerships w local organizations which lead to sustained immersion in low-resource communities
according to Cahn, in place of cultural competency, health profession educators interested in advancing anti-racism have offered the term…
- structual competency
what is structural competency
- an approach to the relationships among race, class, and symptom expression
- bridges research on social determinants of health to clinical interventions, and prepares clinical trainees to act on systemic causes of health inequalities
according to Cahn, structural competency considers… (3)
- governmental policies
- residential patterns
- environmental inputs
outside the clinical setting that impact health
IPC often stops at the lvl of cultural awareness, which avoids…. (3) what risks does this have??
analysis of:
- historical insults
- societal norma
- privileges perpetrated by current structures
= risks reducing populations to stereotypes and ignores systemtc racism
according to Cahn, IPC and anti-racism mvmts share the goal of???
- instilling structural competency –> collaboration requires an overarching view of the system in which everyone operates
what key concepts are found in Drinka’s article? (2)
- 4 components of IPC development
- challenges to IPC
what are the 5 components of IPC/team development?
- forming
- norming
- confronting/storming
- performing
- leaving
according to Drinka, what are the symptoms of the Forming phase of IPC development? (6)
- superficially share name and background info
- members size up & test each other; categorize by professional roles & status
- members guarded, more impersonal than personal, some active, most passive
- uncertain about team membership
- conflict is neither discussed nor addressed
- focus on own professional role & perspective
according to Drinka, what are the interventions of the Forming phase of IPC development? (6)
- create icebreaks (ex. potlucks, informal discussions)
- discuss formal and potential informal roles of members, verbalize stated team goals
- encourage informal time to get to know one another
- new team = discuss and agree on core & secondary team membership
- new team member = mentor should discuss and ensure understanding
- encourage conflict recognition as an opportunity for creative problem solving
according to Drinka, forming can occur when?
- when a single person enters an already formed team
- or when there is a new team altogether
according to Drinka, forming is often a ______ process
- rushed process –> involves members of a healthcare team coming together to engage in pt care
according to Drinka, what are the rates in which individual members of the team go thru the forming stage
- at different rates depending on confidence, experience, etc.
what is an example of the forming phase
- showing up as a new nurse on the first day –> narrower focus of learning, more shy, not confident enough to address issues in pt care
according to Drinka, the Norming Phase of IPC development is the…
- conflict or storming phase
according to Drinka, what are the symptoms of the Norming phase of IPC development? (14)
- difficult to understand goals and purpose of the team
- attempt to establish common team goals & purpose
- mistrust each other, exhibit caution and conformity
- begin to see role overlaps (other people helping w things you thought were only in ur scope)
- know conflicts are present, cover them up or whitewash them
- few members attempt to establish bonds w others w similar views
- team establishes ground rules, begin to clarify common roles
- team may want leader(s) to assume responsibility
- team tries strategies to increase equality of leadership (ex. rotating leadership)
- defensive communication & disruptive behavior increases
- team members frustrated
- some members project blame & responsibility towards perceived leaders
- team members compete
- some members come to meeting late or not at all
according to Drinka, what are the interventions for the Norming phase of IPC development? (14)
- discuss goals as a team
- discuss & agree as a team
- structure opportunities for informal communication about training, values, experience, and duties of each member
- observe members from other disciplines, discuss overlaps
- encourage conflict recognition as an opportunity for creative problem solving
- form a subcommittee and include members from different coalition
- reinforce ground rules, negotiate common roles
- identify informal leadership roles that needs to be filled and who can fill them
- emphasize development of competence for different leadership roles
- at process team meeting, give open feedback & discuss patterns of disruption & solutions
- promote informal leadership for resolving provblems
- discuss different leadership roles, praise members for indiv contributions
- review rules for membership (ex. attendance, start & end meetings on time, ignore late arrivals)
according to Drinka, why does storming or conflict in the group occur during the Norming phase?
- group is too rushed to deal w it, and issues are pushed under the table
according to Drinka, what may occur between different disciplines of an IPC team in the Norming phase? (2)
- competition between disciplines
- discipline specific goals may form instead of team goals