Class 3 - Robot controller Flashcards
being situated in an external environment and being able to cope with this ever-changing environment
–> robots is in an E, needs to constantly adapt to the E, therefore the robot is always changing. This can work, but also go wrong sometimes.
Robot controller (brain of robot)
a computational infrastructure that operates the robots based on its sensory input and its goals in order to produce a motor response that lets the robot behave in its environment autonomously.
Reactive controller (no internal representation of the world)
Adv: fast
Dis: no planning
Senses something ← → Acting immediately in response to it
i.e., think of the word reactive, like most animals behave
Hierarchical controller (internal representation of the world)
Adv: accurate
Dis: slower to calculate the plan, might not work well in dynamics worlds
Sense > Plan > Act
i.e., think of the word hierarchical, it has a hierarchy
Example: good for strategic route, but not for robots that are moving in an always-changing environment
Hybrid controller
Reactive model (sensors, reactive process, actuators) + planning model (memory)
It can react and plan at the same time
Example: food delivery
An hybrid model is most situated for..
when we need some higher decisions but not too many
A reactive model is most situated for..
little available time
A hierarchical model is most situated for..
when we want to strategize and we are not dependent on time
Attractors (in the context of the Foraging robot example)
The optimal points for the Foraging robot to be
Emergent solution
the robot solves the problem and maximizes its fitness from a combined effect of how the robot reacts to the outside observations and its observations
T/F: the iCUB robot only received a reward when it correctly guessed the object
False, also when it touched the object, to increase the fitness and reward
Strong modal sensory input for robot that has been developed in the past few years
T/F: A robot such as iCUB can use different objects & modalities to learn about the world