class 3 laxatives + diuretics Flashcards
huo ma ren
semen cannabis sativae
- catagory
- properties
- channels
- laxative, moisten intestines
- sweet + neutral
- LI, spleen + stomach
huo ma ren
semen cannabis sativae
functions + indications 3
- moisten/norish intestine + unblock bowels - constipation due to dryness. nourish deficiencies.
- unblocks lin syndrome - promotes pee
- heals heat sores
huo ma ren
semen cannabis sativae
- c+c
- prep
- dosage
- do not use long term, may poison
- must be crushed
- 9>15g
yu li ren
semen pruni
- catagory
- properties
- channels
- laxative + moisten intestines
- acrid, bitter, sweet + neutral
- LI, SI, SP
yu li ren
semen pruni
functions and indications 2
- moistens intestines + unblocks bowels - constipation due to qi stagnation (postpartum, dryness, blood deficiency)
- edema with scanty urine, constipation and distention
yu li ren
semen pruni
- c+c
- dosage
- pregnancy
- 6>12g
gan sui
radix euphorbia kansui
- catagory
- properties
- channels
- diuretics
- bitter + sweet, cold + toxic
- KD, LI, LU
gan sui
radix euphorbia kansui
functions and indications 3
- drains water downward - upper congested fluids
- drives out phlegm/wind phlegm
- reduces swelling + disperses clumps - damp heat
gan sui
radix euphorbia kansui
- c+c 2
- prep 2
- dose 2
- pregnancy or deficiency
- contraindicated with gan cao
- best not in decoction - more effective in pill or powder
- fry in vinegar to reduce toxicity
- 1.5>3g
- .3>1g as powder directly external use
da ji
radix euphorbiae seu knoxiae
- catagory
- properties
- channels
- diuretics
- bitter + acrid, cold, toxic
- KD, LI, LU
da ji
radix euphorbiae seu knoxiae
functions and indications 2
- drains water down, drives out congested fluids/ascites, coughing, wheezing (more effective than gan sui)
- reduces swelling + disperses clumps - toxic/phlegm nodules, use internally or externally
da ji
radix euphorbiae seu knoxiae
- c+c 4
- prep 2
- dosage 2
- pregnancy
- deficient patients
- not w/ gan cao
- more effective but less side effects than gan sui
- best not in decoction - more effective in pill or powder
- fry in vinegar to reduce toxicity
- 1.5>3g
- .3>1g as powder directly
qian nui zi
semen pharbitidis - morning glory
- catagory
- properties
- channels
- diuretics
- bitter, acrid, cold, slightly toxic
- KD, LI, LU, SI
qian nui zi
semen pharbitidis
functions and indications 4
- drains water down, unblocks bowels and edema, promotes urination, distention (less effective than gan sui or da ji).
- drives out phlegm and congested fluids - coughing and wheezing, clear phlegm.
- removes accumulation - constipation and distention from excess damp heat.
- kills parasites
qian nui zi
semen pharbitidis
- c+c 3
- dosage + prep
- pregnancy
- qi deficiency
- weak stomach
- 3>9g in decoction
- 1.5>3g as powder in pill
ba dou
semen ccroton tiglii
- catagory
- properties
- channels
- diuretics
- acrid, hot, SEVERLY TOXIC
- ST, LI, LU
ba dou
semen ccroton tiglii
functions and indications 4
- vigorously purges cold accumulation - cold evil, obstructing the intestines > constipation + distention w/o qi or blood def.
- drives out water and reduces edema
- eliminates phlegm and benefits the throat - cold excess - throat bi syndrome, epilepsy, infants with phlegm and milk accumulation
- erodes rotton flesh to promote healing of abcesses and ulcers
ba dou
semen ccroton tiglii
- c+c 2
- dosage
- preparations 3
- pregnancy
- deficiency
- .1>.3g
- powder
- pills
- topically
kidney channel diuretics 3
- gan sui
- da ji
- qian nui zi
acrid diuretics 3
- da ji
- qian nui zi
- ba dou
reversed prompt
- laxative, moisten intestines
- sweet + neutral
- LI, spleen + stomach
huo ma ren
semen cannabis sativae
- catagory
- properties
- channels
reversed prompt
- moisten/norish intestine + unblock bowels - constipation due to dryness. nourish deficiencies.
- unblocks lin syndrome - promotes pee
- heals heat sores
huo ma ren
semen cannabis sativae
functions + indications 3
reversed prompt
- do not use long term, may poison
- must be crushed
- 9>15g
huo ma ren
semen cannabis sativae
- c+c
- prep
- dosage
reversed prompt
- laxative + moisten intestines
- acrid, bitter, sweet + neutral
- LI, SI, SP
yu li ren
semen pruni
- catagory
- properties
- channels
reversed prompt
- moistens intestines + unblocks bowels - constipation due to qi stagnation (postpartum, dryness, blood deficiency)
- edema with scanty urine, constipation and distention
yu li ren
semen pruni
functions and indications 2
reversed prompt
- pregnancy
- 6>12g
yu li ren
semen pruni
- c+c
- dosage
reversed prompt
- diuretics
- bitter + sweet, cold + toxic
- KD, LI, LU
gan sui
radix euphorbia kansui
- catagory
- properties
- channels
reversed prompt
- drains water downward - upper congested fluids
- drives out phlegm/wind phlegm
- reduces swelling + disperses clumps - damp heat
gan sui
radix euphorbia kansui
functions and indications 3
reversed prompt
- pregnancy or deficiency
- contraindicated with gan cao
- best not in decoction - more effective in pill or powder
- fry in vinegar to reduce toxicity
- 1.5>3g
- .3>1g as powder directly external use
gan sui
radix euphorbia kansui
- c+c 2
- prep 2
- dose 2
reversed prompt
- diuretics
- bitter + acrid, cold, toxic
- KD, LI, LU
da ji
radix euphorbiae seu knoxiae
- catagory
- properties
- channels
reversed prompt
- drains water down, drives out congested fluids/ascites, coughing, wheezing (more effective than gan sui)
- reduces swelling + disperses clumps - toxic/phlegm nodules, use internally or externally
da ji
radix euphorbiae seu knoxiae
functions and indications 2
reversed prompt
- pregnancy
- deficient patients
- not w/ gan cao
- more effective but less side effects than gan sui
- best not in decoction - more effective in pill or powder
- fry in vinegar to reduce toxicity
- 1.5>3g
- .3>1g as powder directly
da ji
radix euphorbiae seu knoxiae
- c+c 4
- prep 2
- dosage 2
reversed prompt
- diuretics
- bitter, acrid, cold, slightly toxic
- KD, LI, LU, SI
qian nui zi
semen pharbitidis - morning glory
- catagory
- properties
- channels
reversed prompt
- drains water down, unblocks bowels and edema, promotes urination, distention (less effective than gan sui or da ji).
- drives out phlegm and congested fluids - coughing and wheezing, clear phlegm.
- removes accumulation - constipation and distention from excess damp heat.
- kills parasites
qian nui zi
semen pharbitidis
functions and indications 4
reversed prompt
- pregnancy
- qi deficiency
- weak stomach
- 3>9g in decoction
- 1.5>3g as powder in pill or dry fry
qian nui zi
semen pharbitidis
- c+c 3
- dosage + prep
reversed prompt
- diuretics
- acrid, hot, SEVERLY TOXIC
- ST, LI, LU
ba dou
semen ccroton tiglii
- catagory
- properties
- channels
reversed prompt
- vigorously purges cold accumulation - cold evil, obstructing the intestines > constipation + distention w/o qi or blood def.
- drives out water and reduces edema
- eliminates phlegm and benefits the throat - cold excess - throat bi syndrome, epilepsy, infants with phlegm and milk accumulation
- erodes rotton flesh to promote healing of abcesses and ulcers
ba dou
semen ccroton tiglii
functions and indications 4
reversed prompt
- pregnancy
- deficiency
- .1>.3g
- powder
- pills
- topically
ba dou
semen ccroton tiglii
- c+c 2
- dosage
- preparations 3
reversed prompt
- gan sui
- da ji
- qian nui zi
kidney channel diuretics 3
reversed prompt
- da ji
- qian nui zi
- ba dou
acrid diuretics 3