class 2 - purgatives Flashcards
da huang
radix et rhizoma rhei
properties + 4 channels
cold + bitter
- Large Intestine
- Stomach
- Liver
- Heart
da huang
radix et rhizoma rhei
8 functions
- VIGOROUSLY DRAINS DOWNWARD - purge heat and cold accumulation
- clear heat + drain fire - evil rising attacking the UJ = red eyes, sore/swollen gums + throat, sores + ulcers in mouth
- clears toxic heat - sores, carbuncles, burns, scaldings, topical infection, internal abscesses (appendicitis)
- stops bleeding - reckless blood from fire blazing. nose bleed, vomiting or coughing blood. yin deficiency
- drains damp heat - febrile disease + dysentery, jaundice + lin syndrome
- invigorates blood + dispels stasis - postpartum pain and lingering bleeding, clots
- constipation due to cold accumulation and qi + blood deficiency
- constipation due to interior heat
da huang
radix et rhizoma rhei
4 c+c
- pregnancy
- menstruation
- nursing
- sp + st deficiency
da huang
radix et rhizoma rhei
dosing and 3 prep
- 3>12 g
- sheng - for purging, cook less than 10 mins or just soak in boiling water
- jiu zhi - blood stasis
- tan - bleeding
mang xiao
properties + channels
bitter + acrid + salty/very cold
mang xiao
4 functions
- purge accumulation - excess heat accumulation in ST + SP causing caonstipation, dry stools + delirium.
- clear heat + drain fire external pathogen attacking LU + ST. causing high fever, irritability, thirst, delirium convulsions and constipation. sore throat + oral ulcers. can heal red eyes with eye drops.
- moistens dryness + softens hardness - including gallstones, mastitis, internal abscesses, hemorrhoids
- stops lactation
mang xiao
pregnancy + nursing
mang xiao
dosage + prep
3>9g dissolved into strained decoction
lu hui
herba aloes
properties + channels
- Large Intestine
- Stomach
- Liver
lu hui
herba aloes
3 functions
- drains liver fire + purges accumulation - constipation w/ red eyes, irritability, insomnia (heat in HT).
- clear heat + cools the vigorous LV fire.
- kills parasites - gan ji, round worm
lu hui
herba aloes
2 c+c
- pregnancy
- loose stool due to SP + St deficiency
lu hui
herba aloes
dosage and prep
.3>1.5g pill form
fan xie ye
folium sennae
properties + channels
bitter + sweet (BLAND), cold
fan xie ye
folium sennae
3 functions
- purge accumulation
- clear heat + drain fire
- drain downward - guides out stagnation, constipation and distention due to heat accumulation or habitual constipation, ascites with edema
fan xie ye
folium sennae
4 c+c
- pregnancy
- menstruation
- nursing
- overdosing > abdominal pain and diarrhea
fan xie ye
folium sennae
prep and dosage
dosing - 3>9g steep < 15 mins.
(this is way too much! 1.5>3g as a tea is more than sufficient!)
liver channel purgatives 2
- da huang
- lu hui