Class 3 Flashcards
neurocognitive disorder
global impairment of complex psychological functioning
major disruptions in everyday routines and life goals
underfunctioning frontal lobe
not: psychosis, multiple personality, caused by extreme stress or abuse or bad parenting, related to extreme intelligence or deviant from society’s norms
25 percent rule
idk what this is
Wisconsin card sorting task
executive functioning
high level abilities that regulate other behaviors and abilities- it is needed for planning, judgment, abstract thinking, impulse
causes of schizophrenia
- structure abnormalities in brain
- environmental effects on developing brain (perinatal oxygen deprivation, prenatal flu exposure of mom 2nd trimester)
- abnormalities in brain biochemistry (neurotransmitters)
- genetics
dopamine hypothesis
idea that schizophrenia involves an excess of dopamine activity
in class:
originally too much dopamine based on first medications
now it is underactive prefrontal cortext. release of mesolombic dopamine
positive delusions hallucinations disorganized speech grossly disorganized
dminished emotional expression or avolition
schizophrenia (book)
disorder characterized by profound disruption of basic psychoogical processes; distored perception of reality; altered or blunt emotion; and disturbances in thought, motivation, and behavior
positive symptoms
thoughts and behaviors, such as delusions and hallucinations, present in schizophrenia but not seen inthose without the disorders
false belief, often bizarre and grandiose, that is maintained in spite of its irrationality
false perceptual experience that has a compelling sense of being real despite the absence of external stimulation
disorganized speech
severe disruption of verbal communication in which ideas shift rapidly and incoherently among unrelated topics
grossly disorganized behavior
behavior that is inappropriate for the situation or ineffective in attaining goals, often with specific motor disturbances
catatonic behavior
marked decrease in all movement or an increase in muscular rigidity and overactivity
negative symptoms
deficits in or disruptions of normal emotions and behaviors (emotional and social withdrawal; apathy; poverty of speech; and other indications of the absence or insufficiency of normal behavior, motivation, and emotion) that are present in those with schizophrenia
cognitive symptoms
deficits in cognitive abilities, specifically executive functioning, attention, and working memory, present in those with schizophrenia