Class 10 Flashcards
what should be included in a 72-hour emergency kit (kinda obvious stuff & long but 16)
- water (2L/person/day for 3 days)
- non-perishable food
- can opener
- flashlight
- candles
- waterproof matches
- batteries
- radio
- first aid kit
- sanitation supplies
- small tools
- charging cables
- extra keys to home & vehicle
- cash (small bills & change)
- change of clothes
- important personal documents
what else may be included in a 72-hour emergency kit
- prescription meds
- infant formula
- diapers
- toys, books
- equipment for people w disabilities
- pet food & water
- b
what are things to keep in mind r/t pets during a disaster (7)
- dont leave pets behind
- post stickers on your home to indicate number & location of pets, or evacuated if you have taken them with you
- emergency kit with pet supplies
- emergency accommodations
- ensure pet is licensed
- do not let your pet off-leash
- if leave pet at home, ensure lots of water & food
what should be involved in an emergency plan (8)
- safe exits (at least 2 diff ways to exit each room)
- safe meeting places
- emergency schooltime pickup
- out-of-town contact (far enough away to not be effected by same event)
- health info (allergies, med conditions, etc.)
- take pets with you
- plan for diff types of emergencies
- ensure have working smoke detector and fire extinguisher
how can individuals ensure their kids are prepared for emergencies? (3)
- educate on natural hazards & what to do when they occur
- make family emergency plan & kit
- teach kids what to do at school if an emergency happens
review this page with links
according to WHO, organizers can’t respond to health emergencies alone, they rely on… (5)
- partners
- networks
- standby partners
- emergency medical teams
- global outbreak alert and response network
according to WHO, international partners and local institutions can help communities…
- prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies, disasters, and crises
according to WHO, what is the global health cluster? (2)
- coordinates effective responses to global health crises
- 900 partners combine technical and operational abilities to support crisis-affected countries
according to WHO, what are standby partnerships
- groups of experienced professionals ready to enter into a disaster to provide medical care
according to WHO, what are emergency medical teams
- provide clinical care in the wake of emergencies
according to WHO, what is purpose of the global outbreak alert and response network
- ensures that the right technical expertise and skills are on the ground where and when they are needed most
the WHO is commited to…. r/t crisis (6)
- saving lives and reducing suffering in times of crises
- building efficient partnerships for emergency mngmt and ensuring these are properly coordinated
- advocating for political support & consistent resources for disaster preparedness, response, and advocacy
- developing evidence-based guidelines for all phases of emergency work in the health sector
- strengthening capacity & resilience of health systems and countries to mitigate and manage disasters
- ensuring international capacity is available to support countries for emergency response through training and establishment of surge capacity
what are characteristics of a disaster (6) ***
- sudden onset
- unpredictability
- uncontrollability
- huge magnitutde of destruction
- human loss & sufferring
- the coping capacity of the affected community is greatly exceded
what is defined as a disaster crisis?
- the demand for essential & critical resources is higher than their availability = pts and staff in danger
a disaster crisis depends on … (4)
- the magnitude of the disaster
- area affected
- availability of rescue teams
- logistics
what is the goal r/t disaster crisis
- plan ahead to ensure the most effective use of available assets and mobilization of additional emergency resources (human and material)
what are the 6 stages of a crisis plan
- warning (in ideal world, will have one)
- risk assessment
- response
- mngmt
- resolution
- recovery
what is the center for emergency preparedness and response *** (2)
- the nation’s central coordinating point for public health security
- is the health authority in the Government of Canada on bioterrorism, emergency health services and emergency response
CEPR’s responsibilities include.. (5) ***
- monitoring disease outbreaks
- assessing public health risks during emergencies
- develops and maintains national emergency response plans & emergency social services
- is responsible for the important federal public health rules governing laboratory safety and security, quarantine and similar issues
- contributes to keeping Canada’s health and emergency policies in line with threats to public health security and general security for Canadians in collaboration with other federal and international health and security agencies
what is the role of Center for Emergency Preparedness and Response (CEPR) (4) ***
- sends materials to emergency field hospitals
- cots, bedding, and emergency shelters within hrs
- follow up w request for specific medical supplies and drugs in case of disease outbreak
- may send medical response team if needed (ex. medical services, counselling, mental health services)
the supplies that the CEPR supplies comes from… ***
- national emergency stockpile system
when a disaster occurs, _____ is often the first to respond ***
- red cross
red cross collaborates w partners to address the needs of the community. what are examples of partners they collaborate with (8) ***
- gvmt
- tribal council
- partner organizations
- police services
- firefighter staff
- first responders, hospitals, health services
- volunteers
- WRHA and other health authorities
with red cross, emergency social services are delivered by… ***
- volunteers and staff
what is the role of the red cross in community disasters (5) ***
- assist communities and victims of community disasters
- identify risks among vulnerable populations
- resolve gaps
- educate citizens on how to develop an effective emergency plan
- work in collab w local authorities and agencies to address the immediate needs of those affected
what 6 emergency services does red cross provide ***
- reception and info
- family reunification
- emergency lodging
- emergency food
- emergency clothing
- personal services (first aid)
how is organized communication done in disasters? (5)
- phone (landline)
- text (short)
- social medica
- recommend 3 short sentences, 3 key messages
what are some intensified issues from covid (9)
- disregard for other medical needs
- health inequalities
- psychosocial consequences
- racism
- economic hardship
- gender inequality
- educational inequality
- pandemic preparedness plan
- capacity of health systems
describe how covid impacts role & role blurring *** (2)
- redeployment
- volunteering for other jobs
describe how covid impacts communication (4) ***
- physical distancing
- isolation
- change in how staff communicate
- use of virtual visits between pt and family
describe how covid impacts pt/family centered care (3) ***
- impacts communication
- change in policy/procedures (ex. visitation rules)
- pt safety
describe how covid impacts team dynamics/collab leadership ***
- importance stressed from previous pandemics (SARS, ebola, H1N1, MERS)
with disaster, standards of care should be…
- systematically and gracefully adjusted to the one that is appropriate based on the circumstances of the situation and resources available
what is involved in adjusting standards of care during disaster (3)
- shift staffing, staff roles & responsibilities
- initiate changes as needed (ex. documentation)
- make triage decisions based on resources
describe nurse’s duty to care in disaster (4)
- refer to nursing standards of practice, practice expectations, and code of ethics
- expected to care for pts as best & as safely as possible, depending on resources available
- nurses could only refuse to provide care if they believe that providing such care would place them or pts at an unacceptable lvl of risk
- use clinical judgement and ethical decision making
during a disaster, planning & provision of care in a disaster does not belong soley to nurses, …
- employers & gnmt have obligations
how can employers support nurses during disasters (3)
- provide clear communication
- guidelines
- access to resources
what is the ultimate goal during a disaster
- do the greatest good you can, for the greatest number of people based upon the circumstances of the situation & available resources
what impact can disaster have on mental health post-disaster ***
- acute post-disaster psychological distress
acute post-disaster psychological distress includes: (4) ***
- emotional lability, negative emotions
- cognitive dysfunction & distortions (ex. reduced concentration, confusion, unwanted thoughts & memories)
- behaviors that negatively impact relationships (ex. irritability, distrust, withdrawal, become overly controlling)
- more severe new-onset mental health problems, which can be obvious to subtle
what are the most common post-disaster mental health problems (3) ***
- depression
- other anxiety disorders
in addition to mental health problems, what else has been found to increase post-disaster? (2) ***
- increase in alcohol & drug use
- IP violence
what points should be considered during disaster r/t communication (2) ***
- who is in charge of communication?
- who we communicate with and how?
- keeping communication channels is essential
what points should be considered during disaster r/t role clarification (3) ***
- communicate roles –> who are you and why are you here
- work within your role so there is minimum role overlap
- role overlap leads to confusion & poor problem solving
what points should be considered during disaster r/t shared leadership (3) ***
- how is leadership shared?
- who is on your team?
- what is the best way to organize your team?
what points should be considered during disaster r/t conflict resolution ***
- how do we anticipate and address conflict