Class 1 Flashcards
How many species of animals are discovered?
1.25 million
Cellular organism: cells are classified on the basis of?
Eukaryotic and prokaryotic
Eukaryotic cells are those which have a well defined nucleus nuclear membrane and nuclear envelope
Complexity of the body comprises of which levels
Cellular level
Tissue level
Organ level
Organ system level
What is metabolism
Sum of the total reactions occuring in the body like anabolism(energy generating) and catabolism (energy breaking down)
What types of bees are there and which ones are sterile
There are queen,drone and worker bees and worker bees are sterile
What is the offspring of a female horse and male donkey and can it reproduce
Mule and it is sterile
What are touch receptors
Tactile or tango
What are the 5 kingdoms
Who discovered them
Whittekers 5 kingdom classification
Monera - prokaryotes like bacteria
Protista- eukaryotes like protozoan
Metazoa- multicellular animals
Metaphyta- multicellular plants
Fungi- multicellular fungi
What are the 5 kingdoms classified on the basis of
1 cellular organization
a eukaryotes
b prokaryotes
2 complexity of the body
3 modes of nutrition
a autotrophic
b hetertrophic