cla greek Flashcards
road G
day G
blood G
skin G
people G
write G
a or an
not or without G
atom, anethetia, atheist
amphi, ampho
on both sides G
amphibious, amphoteric
up (2nd a lost before vowel) G
analysis, anabatic, anode, anion
against G
antidote, antiseptic
apo (apoh –> aph-)
away from G
apostasy, aphelion, apology
beginning G
down G
catabolic, catabatic, cathode, cation
twice, doube G
in two G
through G
diameter, dia/tom (but if di/a/tom/ic)
bad(ly), difficult, hard G
dystrophy, dyslexia
exo-, ekto
out of, outside G
eccentric, exodus, ectoderm, exogamy
endo, ento/ en
in within G
endemic, emphasis, endocrine
within G
epi (epih –> eph)
on, upon G
eponym, epidermic, ephemeral
good G
euthanasia, euphony
half, G
above, G
hypertensionn, hyerglycemia
under G
gypotension, hypodermic
after, change G
behind, opisthographic G
back… again, G
beside G
paranoia, pradox, parabola
around G
before, in front of G
pros(o-, tho-)
to, toward G
syn (sym before labials)
with, together G
synthesis, symbiotic, symbol
to do G
baptize, anethetize, finalize, sterilize, pasteurize
-tes, -ter, -tor, -ist(=ize+tes)
agent G
diabetes, chiropractor, catheter, antagonist, botanist
action, process, condition + verb G
analysis, prognosis, symbiosis
conditoin (usually morbid) + n or adj G
neurosis, sclerosis, thrombosis
condition (requiring healing) G
psoriasis, lithiasis
action, process, condition G
anesthesia, phobophobia, anemia, asthenia
result of action G
stigma, aroma, trauma, graM, systeM, chasM
swelling or tumor G
sarcoma, glaucoma, lipoma
result of action + verb G
ther-MOS thermos, spasmos, spasM, rhythM
-is-mos (-ize+mos) = ism
condition or result of action G
embolism, hypnotism
- ion (-idion), -iscos
* ium, idium, isk, iscus
diminutive G
bacterium, sporidium, asterisk, meniscus
-ides, ida(e)
descended from, family of G
arachnida, Leonid
-ticos (-tic)
pertaining to OR of +verb G
acoustic, narcotic, static
-icos and -acos (-ic, -iac)
pertaining to OR of + noun G
hypodermic, cardiac, physics, mathematics
belonging to, related to + noun G
pericardion (pericardium)
belonging to, nature of + noun G
dendrite, dynamite
-inos –> -ine or -in
nature of G
crystalline, bromine, chlorine, dioxin
condition, usually inflammation G
arthritis, bronchitis, nephritis, sinusitis
in the shape of G
collid, adenoid, thyroid, humanoid
1 G
henogenesis, henosis, hendiadys
1st G
proton, prototype
2 G
dyad, dyaster, hendyadys, pentdyopent
2nd G
deuterium, deuteronomy
treis, tria
3 G
tripod, trigonometry
3rd G
tettara (tetra-)
4 G
4th G
pente (penta-)
5 G
6 G
7 G
okto (octo-)
8 G
octagon, octopus
9 G
ennead, enneagon
deka (deca-)
10 G
decagon, triskaidekaphobia
11 G
12 G
100 G
chilioi/ai/a (kilo-)
1000 G
10000 G
greek hero vulnerable only in heel G
achilleaefolia, achillodynia, achillotenotomy
adelphos (adelph-)
brother (adelphee= sister) G
aden, adenos (aden-)
gland G
adenalgia, adenolipomatosis, blennadenitis, blepharoadenitis, dacryadenalgia, splenadenoma, adenoid
aer (aera-, aero-)
air G
aerodynamics, aerotaxis, anaerosis, helioaerotherapy
agogos (agog-, ago-, -agogue)
leading G
pedagogus, chromagogue, anagogic, anagotoxic
agonia (agoni-, agon-)
contest G
agonize, antagonist, agony, preagonal
agora (agor-)
assembly G
agoraphobia, category, paregoric, agoraphobia
agra (agr-)
hunting, catching, seizure G
podagra,agremia, cardiagra, cheiragra, cleidagra, podagra
aisthesis (esthes-, aisthesis)
feeling, sensation, perception G
aesthetics, anesthesia
(GK = -ai-, eng -e-)
aither (either-)
upper air, ether G
ether, etheriform, etheromania, subteretherial
aitia (aiti-, etio-)
cause G
aetiogenous, etiopathology, nosetiology, somatetiological
ake, akme (ac-, acm-)
point G
aciphyllous, acmesthesia, epacmastic, acospore, diacmic, paracmastic
akos, akeos (aceo, ace-)
cure G
panacea, aceology, acestoma, acognosia
akouein (acou-)
to hear G
acouesthesia, acoustic, acoulalion, anacousia
aktis/aktinos (actin, actino-)
ray G
actinide, actinic, actinogen, actinotherapy, diactinic, actinomyces
alexein (alex-)
defend G
Alexandra, Alexis, Alexander, alexocyte, alexipyretic, toxalexin
algein (-alg-)
to suffer and pain G
neuralgia, algophobia, algesthesia, algeoscopy, adenalgia
allos/e/on (allo-, all-)
other, different, external G
allantiasis, allantoic, allantois, allosteric, allergy, allotrope, allogamy
amblys/eia/y (ambly-)
dull, blunt G
amblyacousia, amblygeustia, amblyopiatrics, hemiablyopia
amnion (amni-, amnio-)
fetus membrane G
amniocentesis, amnioclepsis, amnionitis, amniotome
amoibe (ameb-, amoeb, amoib)
change G
amebicidal, amebiosis, ameboid, mesameboid, amoebae
amygdale (amygdal-)
almond G
amygdala, amygdalitis, amygdalolith
amylon (amyl-, amyla, amylo, amyle-)
starch G
amylaceous, amylemia, amyloid, amylogenic, amylobcter, amyloidosis
anemos (anem-, anemo-)
wind G
anemograph, anemometer, anemone, anemophile, anemotropism
aner/ andros ( andr-)
a man G
andrology, androgynous, anandria, androecium clinadrium ,misandria
angeion (angio-)
vessel G
angioplasty, angiogram, angiogenesis, cholangiitis, hemangioma
anthein (anth-)
to blossom (anthos = flower) G anthema, anther, anthoxanthine, exanthemata
anthrax/anthrakos (anthrax- anthrac-)
coal G
acacanthrax, anthracoid, anthracosis
anthropos (anthrop-,)
human being G
anthropoid, anthropophilic, exanthrope, philanthropy, enanthrope
anthron (antr-, antro-)
cave G
antrocele, antroscope, genyantralgia, prospantritis, hypantrum
(antrum = any cavity)
aphrodite (aphrodite-)
Venus G
aphrodisiac, hermaphrodite
arachne (arachn-)
spider G
arachnid, arachnida, arachnoid, arachnodactyly, subarachnoid
arche (arch-)
archaios/a/on (archai-)
beginning and ancient G
archaelogy, archaeornis, archebiosis, menarche, archenteron
argyros (argyr-, argyro-)
silver G
hydrargyrum, argyric, argyrochlamys, argyrophyllous
arithmos (arithm-)
number G
arteria (arteri-)
windpipe G
artheriol, dysarteriotony, periarteritis
arthron (arthr-)
joint G
arthritis, arthrocentesis, arthroclasia, arthroclisis, arthropathy, enarthrosis, dysarthria
aster and astron (aster- astr-)
star G
aster, asterisk, astronomy, asteroid
asthma, asthmaton (astma, asthmat-)
panting G
antiasthmatic, asthma, asthmogenic, pseudoasthma
athere (ather-)
porridge G
atheroma, atherosclerosis
atlas/atlantos (atlas-, atlant-)
a Titan, 1st cervical vertebra G
antlantad, atlantoaxial, atlanto-odontoid
atmos (atm-)
stream G
atmosphere, atmiartry, atmograph, atmosphere
autos (auto-, aut-)
self G
autacoid, autogenous, autolytic, autism
baincin (ba-, be-)
basis (bas-)
to walk and a step G
abasia, base, diabetes, basophobia, dysbasia
baktron and bakterion (bacteri-)
a stick and a small stick G
ballein (ball-)
bolo (bol-)
metabole (metabol-)
to throw and a throw and change G
aeroembolism, ballistic, parabola, hyerpola, metabolism, catabolism
baros, bareos- (baros-, bare-, bar-)
weight G
barometer, isobar, barium
barys (bary-)
heavy G
barylalia, baryglossia
bathos (bathos-, bathe-)
bathys (bathy-)
depth and deep G
bathysphere, bathyesthesis, bathyseism, polybathic
biblos and byblos
biblion (biblio-)
papyrus and book G
bibliography, bibliophile, bible
bios (bi-, bio-)(-bium, -be)
life G
biography, biology, symbiotic, abiogenesis, abiology, aerobion, eubiotics, hematobium, anaerobe
blastos (blast-)
a bud, shoot G
ablastemic, blastolysis, blastophore, holoblastic, neuroblast, spermatoblastic
blepein (blep-)
to see G
ablepsia, oxyblepsia, pseudoblepsis, monoblepsia
blepharon (blephar-)
eyelid G
blepharoplasty, pachyblepharosis
botane (botan-)
pasture, pl = plants G
bous (bu-, bo-)
ox G
bucardia, bulimia (limos = hunger), boopia
brachys (brachy-)
short and shorter G
brachium = upper arm
brachial, brachybasia
bradys (brady-)
slow G
bradycardia, bradylexia, bradypragia
bromos (brom-)
stench G
antibromic, bromine
bronchos (bronch-)
windpipe G
bronchitis, bronchiolitis, bronchosterosis
bryein (bry-)
to swell G
embryo, embryology, bryony, bryocyric, polyembryony
chaite (chait-, chaet-)
hair G
achetinous, chaetoplankton, oligochaete, polychaetous
chalkos (chalc-, chalco-. chalk-)
copper, G
chalcolithic, chalkitis, chalcosis, chalcone
chamai (chamai-)
on the ground G
chamaeceranial, chamaesaura, chameleon
charassein (charass-, character-)
engrave and engraving mark G
biocharacter, characteristic, microcharacter, characterology
chasma (chasma-, chasmat-)
to yawn and opening G
chasma, chasmogamy, pleiochasium, xerochastic, hygrochasy
cheilos (cheil-)
lip G
acheilary, acheilia, cheilitis, genychiloplasty, xerocheilia
cheir, chiros (chir, chiro, ger)
hand G
encheiresis, chiropractor, cheiragra, cheiromegaly, surgery
chele (chel-) NI
claw G
chelate, chelation
chiasma (chiasma-, chiast-)
crossed G
chiasm, chiasmotype, chiastometer
chlamys, chlamydos (chlamys-, chlamyd-)
cloak, coat G
chlamydia, chlamydate, achlamydeous
chloros/a/on (chlor-)
green G
chlorine, chlorophyll, chloroplast
chole (chol-)
bile G
cholic, melancholie, bholera, choleric, cholesterol
condros (chondro-)
cartilage, lump G
hypochondrium, endrocondral, synchondrosis, perichondrium
chorde (chord-)
gut G
chord, cord, chorditis, acrochordon, chordoma
choros (chore, chorea, chorei)
dance G
choreic, choreiform, chorus, chorea
chorion (chori-, chor-)
membrane G
choroditis, choroidoiritis, chorionic, choriocele
chroa (chro-, chroma, chromat-)
skin G
achroacytosis, chomatin, dichromic, xanthochroia, cyanochroia
chroma (chrom-)
color G
chromosome, chromatic, chromium
chronos (chrono-, chron-)
time G
chronic, chronometer, chronology
chrysos (chrys-, chryso-)
gold G
chryselephantine, chrysoderma, chrysophyll
chthon (chthon-)
earth G
autochthonous, chthonosology, nosochthonography
cheein (che-)
chylos/chymos(chyl-, chym-)
to pour and chyl- = juice/ chym- = fluid G
chyle, chyme, chemistry (chem/chym/ist/arius (L78)
daimon (demon-)
divine power G
demon, demoniac, demonopathy
dakryon (dacry-)
tear G
chromodacryorrhea, dacryocyst, dacryolith
daktylos (dactyl-, dactylo-)
finger, toe G
ankylodactylia, apodactylic, arachnodactyly
deein (de-)
desmos (desm-)
to tie and band, bond, ligament G
arthrodesis, epiphysiodesis, opisthodetic, syndesmosis
delta G
demos (demo-, dem-)
people G
demography, endemic, epidemiology, prosodemic
dendron (dendr-, dendro-)
tree G
dendroid, neurodendron, telogendron, oligodendroglia
to skin G
derma/dermatos (derm-, derma-)
skin G
dermatitis, dermatology
diaita (diet-, dieto-)
life, way of living G
diet, dietetic, dietotherapy, dietotoxicity
didymos (didym-)
twin G
anadidymus, epididymitis, opodidymus, didymalgia, ischiodidymus
diktyon (dicty, dictyo-)
web G
dictyodendron, dictyonema, dictyotic, sarcodictyum
dipsa (dips)
thirst G
dipsomania, adipsia, dipsesis, dipsotherapy
diskos (disc-)
disc G
discal, discoblastula, discoidal
dolichos (dolich-)
long G
acrodolichomelia, dolichohieric, dolichopellic
dounai, dosis, doteos (dos- dote-)
give, giving, given G
dose, antidote, dosimeter, dosiology
dynamis (dynam-)
power G
thermodynamics, dynamite, ideodynamism
echo (echo-)
a sound G
autoecholalia, echolalia, echopathy, metrechoscopy
echein (ech-, schi-, isch-)
to have isch- = hold back G
ischemia, galactischia, ischidrosis, synechia, uroschesis
eidos, eidos, idea (id-, ide-(-oid))
appearance, form, shape G
ameboid, apeidosis, eidetic , eidoptometry, monoideaism
eidein = to see, oida = i know, oid = in shape of eg deltoid, idea, ideal, ideation
eikon, eikonos (eikon, icon-)
image G
eikonogen, iconomania, iconomatography, isoiconia
elaia, elaion
olive tree and olive oil G
elektron (electr-)
amber, electricity G
electrocardiograph, electroencephalogram, parelectronomy
elephas/elephantos (elephas-, elephant-)
elephant G
elephantasis, elephantopus, oschelephantiasis, chryselephantine
emeein (eme-, emet-)
to vomit and vomiting (emet-) G
blennemesis, emetine, emetotrophia, hematemesis, hemosialemesis
enteron (enter-)
within, the intestine G
dysentery, enterogenous, enterolysis
eos (eo-)
dawn G
eosin, eosinophil, eosophobia
ephebos (epheb-, eph + hebe)
youth NI G
anephebic, ephebic
ergon, ergasia (erg-, ergasi-, -urg-)(ar-)
work G
energy, erg, allergy, synergy, argon, hemiasynergy, zymurgy, synergic, orthergasia, micrurgy
eros (ero-)
sexual love G
erotic, erotopath
erythros/a/on (erythr-)
red G
erythrocyte, erythroclastic, erythrocythemia, erythrophobia, ulerythema, erythremia
ethnos, ethneos (ethnos-, ethne-)
nation G
ethnography, ethnology, ethnic
ethos (eth-)
custom G
ethics (not ethnic)
eurys (eury-)
broad G
aneurism, eurycephalic, eurypterid, procteurysis, hypereuryopia
gala/galaktos (galact, gala-)
milk G
agalactia, galactic, pneumogalactocele, oligogalactia
gamos (gam-)
marriage, wedlock G
agamogenesis, allogamy, gamete
(gametes[ gamet-] = germ)
ganglion (gangli-)
encysted tumor on tendon, knots of nerves G
diplogangliate, ganglioneure, polyganglionic
gaster (gaster, gastr-, gastro-)
belly G
gastroenteritis, digastric, gastrohepatic, mesogastrium, gastrula
ge (ge-, geo-)
earth G
apogeotropic, geode, geotropism, hypogeos, isogeotherm, geophagia
gignesthai (gen-, gene- gon-, gn-)
to be born G
genesis, hydrogen, genealogy, carcinogen
genos, genea (geno-, gene-)
kin or race G
genocide, gene, genetics
geron (ger-, gero, gera-)
old person G
geriatrics, geroderma, gerontology, progeria, geriatrics, acrogeria
gigas/gigantos (gigas-, gigant-)
giant G
acromegalogigantism, gigantism, gigantocyte
glaukos/e/on (glauc, glauk-)
gleaming bluish green G
glaucoma, aglaukopsia, glucomatous, glauconite
glossa/ glotta (gloss-, glott-)
tongue G
aglossia, aglossostomia, glossotheca, hypoglossal, glossary, polyglot
glykys, glykera (glyc-, glycer-)
sweet G
hyperglycemia, glycerin, glucose, glycerol, glycogen
glyphein (glyph-, glyp-)
to engrave G
hieroglyphics, glyptography, petroglyph, syphonoglyph, glyptodont
to learn G
to know G
gnosis (gno-, gnosis)
knowledge G
acragnosis, acrognosis, chromodiagnosis, cyesiognosis, diagnosis, gnostic, prognosis
gnomon (gnomon-)
interpreter, pointer G
gone (gon-)
generation G
gonad, gonorrhea, gonocyte, zoogony
gonia (goni-, -gon)
corner, angle G
polygon, pentagon
gony/gonatos (gon-, gonat-)
knee, joint G
gonalgia, gonitis, gonyoncus, polygonaceous
graphein (graph-)
to inscribe, write and something written or drawn G
gram, graph, grammatical, engram, grapho-analysis
gymnos/e/on (gymn-)
naked G
gymnasium, gymnast, gymnoplast, hemigymnocarpous
gyne/gynaikos (gyne, gynec-)
woman, pistil G
androgynous, gynecoid, spanogyny, gynander, gynecomastia
gyros (gyr-)
circle G
gyrate, gyroscope, gyrus, oculogyric, polygyria
haima/haimatos (hema-, hemato-, em- +ia )
blood G
hematocrite, hemolysis, hemophilia, hyperemia, ischemia, hyperglycemia
hairein (her-, here-, ere-, aire, )
to take G
dieresis, catheresis, phlebexairesis, exeresis, cholaneresis
hals, halos (hal-, hals-)
salt G
halogen, haloid, halobios, halophile
haptein (hapt-, -apt, -aps[ia], -aps[is], aph[ia])
to fasten (hapsis = joining) G synapsis, chirapsia, haptics, paraphia, karyapsis, telosynapsis, haphalgesia
hebe (heb-, hebo-)
time of youth G
hebeanthous, hebetic, hebosteotomy, ischiohebotomy
youth G
hedra (hedr-)
seat, base G
polyhedron, tetrahedron, hedrocele
hedone (hedon-)
pleasure G
hedonism, hyperhedonia, parhedonia, hyphedonia, hedonophobia
helios (heli-, helio-)
sun G
helium, heliocentric, heliotaxis, heliotherapy