C.L. EXAM 76-100 Flashcards
76.a billionth of a second
What is a nanosecond?
76.to refer to as a very short time
How is the term often used?
77.a branch of technology
What is nano technology?
77.a few thousand
How many atoms in width?
78.a computer system that is designed to mimic the human brain
What is neural network?
78.to deal with problems like patterns and recognition
What were they developed for?
79.the operation of oil wells on the continental shelf
What is offshore drilling?
79.hundreds of feet deep
How many feet deep do they drill?
80.a machine that can run forever
What is perpetual-motion machine?
80.it needs as much energy as it is to run forever
How much energy does it need?
81.a method of finding the position and velocity of an object by bouncy
What is a radar?
81.the velocity and position of an object
What does it determine?
82.radioactive materials that may be left after a commercial or laboratory process has been carried out
What is radioactive waste?
82.some wastes are considered high level gas and it is very hazardous
Why has their been a public debate over radioactive waste?
83.the programs and instructions that run a computer
What is software?
83.actual physical machinery
What is software opposed to?
84.a specially designed airplane
What is the spirit of St. Louis ?
84.museum of smihsonian institution
Where was the spirit of St. Louis displayed?
85.a series of soviet satellites launched in 1957
What is a Sputnik?
What year did the Sputnik launche?