C.l Exam 101-120 Flashcards
101.the flexible tubular canals through which blood circulates.
What is a blood vessel?
101.3 blood vessels
How many different blood vessels are there?
102.a severe form of food poisoning
What is botulism?
102.treated quickly.
It can be fatal if not what?
103.the central organ in the nervous system
What is a brain?
103.medulla which sends signals on the spinal cord to the rest of the brain
The brain consists of what ?
- Two hemispheres
What does the cerebrum have?
- The left side.
What side does the right side control?
- A highly contagious disease
What is bubonic plague ?
105.a disease
What is Black Death ?
106.a disease characterized by the rapid growth of cells
What is cancer
What else is cancer
107.the tiny blood vessels through tout the body that connect arteries and veins
What are capillaries?
- Capillaries
What forms a intricate network around body tissues
108.a mild but highly contagious disease
What is chicken pox?
108.fevers and blisters
What does it cause?
109.expression that very likely originated in the west
What does hold your horses mean?
- The west
Where did it originate from?
110.to get some sleep
What does hit the sack mean?
What do you get when you hit the sack?