CKD Flashcards
3 Primary Kidney Functions
- Filtration of blood
- Regulation of fluid and electrolytes & acid base balance
- Excretion of metabolic waste products
3 Secondary Kidney Functions
To regulate:
1. BP (RAAS system)
2. Bone density
3. Erythropoiesis (RBC production)
What does the RAAS system stand for? What 3 factors regulate BP from the RAAS system?
Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
Regulates BP by increasing salt reabsorption, water reabsorption, and vascular tone
How does the RAAS system work?
Renin splits angiotensinogen into angiotensin I which is split by ACE (angiotensin-converting enzymes) in the lungs and kidney into angiotensin II which causes vasoconstriction and the release of aldosterone and ADH in the adrenal gland which causes salt retention (more water in body increases BV and BP) and K+ excretion in urine
CKD is defined by the presence of:
either kidney damage or GFR < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 for 3 months or longer
Description of stage 5 CKD
End-stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
Kidney failure, GFR <15 (or dialysis), action is renal replacement therapy (if uremia present and Pt desires treatment)
Normal GFR
125 mL/min
Leading causes of ESRD
DM (38%), Renal vascular disease (50%)
2 ESRD tx options
Renal Replacement Therapy (either HD or PD)
2 General Clinical manifestation of CKD
- Retained Urea, creatinine, phenols, hormones, electrolytes, and water
- Uremia (when GFR<10, syndrome that incorporates all S&S seen in various systems throughout body due to waste product retention and excess fluid)
Psychological S&S of CKD
anxiety, depression (changes in body image with devices)
CV S&S of CKD!!
HTN (fluid retention)
L ventricular hypertrophy (has to work harder)
Peripheral edema
Uremic pericarditis
Peripheral artery disease
NV (increased urea circulating)
GI bleeding
Inflammation of GI mucosa (increased urea circulating)
Uremic fetor (urine breath odor)
Constipation (limited fluid intake)
Endocrine/Reproductive S&S of CKD
Thyroid abnormalities
Erectile dysfunction
Decreased libido
Low sperm counts
Metabolic S&S of CKD
Carbohydrate intolerance: Insulin resistance d/t insulin antagonists (ex. urea, a waste product) circulating = hyperglycemia and a need for less insulin because it’s already circulating but the waste prevents it from acting. Insulin is dependent on kidneys for excretion.
Hyperlipidemia: hyperinsulinemia stimulates triglyceride production in liver
Waste product accumulation - Kidney can’t filter out wastes, GFR ↓ and BUN ↑ and serum creatinine levels ↑
Hematological S&S of CKD
Anemia: decreased erythropoietin production (what stimulates RBC production in bone marrow), causes fatigue and SOB (increased O2 demand). Angina is secondary to anemia in a predisposed Pt (like a smoker).
Bleeding: defect platelet function, usually corrected with PD or HD
Infection: changed leukocyte function, diminished inflammatory response