CJ1 Memory Items and Limitations Flashcards
Mmo (above 30,500 ft)
.71 Mach
Vmo (S.L. to 30,499 ft)
Max Autopilot
263 KIAS/0.71 Mach
Turbulent Air Penetration
180 KIAS
Takeoff/Approach Flap 15 degrees
200 KIAS
Flap Land 35 degrees
Max Speed Flaps Failed to Ground 60 degrees
140 KIAS
186 KIAS
Vlo Retracting (SN 0458 and on)
175 KIAS
Vlo Extending (SN 0458 and on)
186 KIAS
Min Speed in Sustained Icing (limit)
160 KIAS
Max Tire Ground Speed
165 KIAS
Max Ramp
10,700 lbs
Max Takeoff
Max Landing
Max Zero Fuel
Max Operating Altitude
41,000 ft
Max Landing/Takeoff Altitude
14,000 ft
Max EPU Ground Start Elevation
14,000 ft
Max Battery Ground Start Elevation
10,000 ft
Max Takeoff Altitude (Flaps 15 degrees)
10,000 ft
Max Ambient Temp for Engine Start
ISA + 39 celsius
Min Ambient Temp for Engine Start
-30 degrees celsius
Min Oil Temp for EPU Start (on EIS)
-30 degrees celsius
Min Oil Temp for Battery Start (on EIS)
-25 degrees celsius
Min Temp for De-Ice Boots Operation
-35 degrees celsius
Min Temp to Takeoff and Land
-35 degrees celsius/See AFM
Max Tail Wind (Eng Start less than 10,000 ft)
Max Tail Wind (Eng Start more than 10,000 ft)
Max Cross Wind (Eng Start)
Max Tail Wind for Landing (Dry Runway)
Crosswind Landing (Not a Limit)
Min Battery Voltage for EPU Start
800/1,100 amps
Max Time to Light Off (Start)
10 sec
Max Oil Consumption
.023 gal/.087 ltr
Autopilot Min Engage Height
250 ft AGL
Autopilot Min use (Precision)
71 ft AGL
Autopilot Min use (Non-Precision)
250 ft AGL
Autopilot Min use (Cruise)
1,000 ft AGL
Max Fuel Imbalance
200 lbs (600 lbs EMERG)
Battery Start
3 per hr (cross gen = 1/3)
SG Start
3 per 30 minutes with 30 sec rest
Max Generator Amps
300 amps
Max Amps on Ground
300 (15 min), 250 (more than 15 min), 50% overload (450 amps) for 2 min
Engine Failure or Fire or Master Warning During Takeoff Below V1
1) Brakes - As Required
2) Throttles - Idle
3) Speed Brakes - Extend
Engine Failure or Fire or Master Warning Durin Takeoff above V1
1) Maintain Directional Control
2) Accelerate to Vr
3) Rotate - Vr, Climb - V2
4) Landing Gear (when positive rate-of-climb) - Up
5) At 400 ft AGL - Retract flaps at V2+10 KIAS or VENR, Whichever is lower, and Accelerate to Vent (Vt), if Required
Engine Failure During Coupled Approach
1) Power (operating engine) - Increase as Required
2) Airspeed - Vref+10 KIAS
3) Flaps - Takeoff and Approach
Engine Failure (LH or RH Eng Fire Warning Light/Switch Illuminated)
1) Throttle (affected engine) - Idle
(if light remains on)
2) Engine Fire Switch (affected engine) - Lift
3) Either Illuminated Bottle Armed Light - Push
Emergency Restart - Two Engines
1) Ignition - Both On
2) Fuel Boost Pumps - Both On
3) Throttles - Idle
4) If Altitude Allows - Increase Airspeed to 240 KIAS
Cabin Decompression (Cabin Alt 10,000 feet Warning Light On and Master Warning)
1) Oxygen Masks - Don and 100% Oxygen
2) Oxygen Microphone Switches - Mic Oxy Mask
3) Emergency Descent - As Required
4) Passenger Oxygen - Ensure Passengers Are Receiving Oxygen
Emergency Decent
1) Autopilot/Trim Disengage Button - Press
2) Throttles - Idle
3) Speed Brakes - Extend
4) Initiate Moderate Bank
5) Airplane Pitch Attitude - Approximately 15 degrees nose down
Environmental System Smoke or Odor
1) Oxygen Masks - Don and Emer
2) Oxygen Microphone Switches - Mic Oxygen Mask
Smoke Removal
1) Oxygen Masks - Don and Emer
2) Oxgen Microphone Switches - Mic Oxygen Mask
Electrical Fire or Smoke
1) Oxygen Masks - Don and Emer
2) Oxygen Microphone Switches - Mic Oxygen Mask
Battery Overheat (Batt O’temp Warning Light O and Master Warning)
1) Volt/Amp - Note
2) Batt Switch - Emergency
3) Volt/Amp - Note Decrease
Autopilot/Trim Malfunction
1) Autopilot/Trim Disengage Button- Press
Emergency Evacuation
1) Throttles - Both Off
2) L/R Engine Fire Switches - Both Press
3) Bottle 1 and Bottle 2 Armed Switches - Both Press (if fire suspected)
4) Battery Switch - Off
5) Airplane Outside - Check for Best Escape Routed
If Through Cabin Door
6) Cabin Door - Open
7) Move Away from Airplane
If Through Escape Hatch
6) Escape Hatch - Remove and Through Hatch Out of Airplane
7) Move Away from Airplane
“Brakes Throttles Buttons Bottles Battery ELT Get Outta Here”