Civil Rights keywords Flashcards
James Meredith’s case
course rejected at Mississippi
complained that they were still segregating against Brown v Topeka
allowed a place because they were still segregating
Birmingham 1963
part of the sit ins throughout the south
demonstrators would be meet with high-pressure hoses and police dogs
ordered by Bull connor
voter education project
funds are given to educate black people in the south
this is so they could pass the literacy test and vote
Anniston bomb attacks
one of the freedom riders buses
attacked and firebombed by a mob
when they left the bus they were severely beaten
freedom rides
civil rights activists rode on buses to the segregated south
they were constantly attacked
Greensboro sit ins
4 African American students sat in the Walmart cafe
they were refused service so refused to leave
caused people to do the same throughout the southern states
eventually, they were given service as the companies were losing too much money
Claudette Colvin
refused to give up her seat on a bus
9 months before Rosa Parks
wasn’t the right profile so wasn’t used by the NAACP
Rosa Parks
refused to give up her seat on a bus
in Montgomery
one of the leaders of the Montgomery bus boycotes
Southern manifesto
a document was written in March 1956 which went against the Brown v Topeka ruling
an example of southern defience
white citizens council
councils formed in the south against racial intergradation in schools
many of the members were also KKK members
they would use many means such as assaulting and intimidating
Ku Klux Klan a racist group
who would carry out lynchings, assaults, intimidation and feather and tarring to African Americans in the segregated southern states
the main reason for the American civil war
the idea that each state should govern itself and make its own laws
the main reason for the American civil war
the idea that one government should create the laws for all the states and they should obey the capital
president Eisenhower
34th president of America
passed the 1957 civil rights act
sent the 101st to solve the conflict at little rock nine
supreme court
the final judgment of laws which congress wants to pass has the power to allow or deny any new laws
national association for the advancement of colored people
an organization which aims to achieve equal civil rights in America
Thurgood Marshall
a white American lawyer who worked for the NAACP to achieve equal civil rights
Linda brown
her father fought against the board of education(Topeka) in 1954 to get her into a white school as they were better than coloured schools
brown v Topeka 1954
the ruling to overturn the Plessy v Ferguson saying separate but equal was wrong as white schools were better than black schools
where on group oppresses the other
also where members of one group are treated unfairly
different ethnicities/races are kept sperate
like toilets, cinemas etc
literacy tests
a test which was extremely hard and only had to be answered by blacks in the south to vote and if they are able to pass they would be intimidated into voting for certain people
Plessy v Ferguson 1896
the law saying that segregation was constitutional and was fair
that separate and equal was right
fifteenth amendment
the law in the USA saying no one can be stopped from voting no matter their gender, ethnicity or religion
chief justice Warren
elected to be the 14th chief justice of the US supreme court in 1953 and 1 year later passed the Brown v Topeka ruling he also continued to seek reforms in justice and human rights
Mississippi murders
the murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner they were activists in the freedom rides and were abducted and killed in June 1964 by the KKK
1964 civil rights act
the civil rights act which ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination because of race, colour, religion or gender
1965 voting rights act
allowed African Americans to vote more easily in the south as the literacy tests, grandfather clause and poll tax were removed also it allowed the US government to oversee voting in areas where voters were supressed
Kerner report
Otto Kerner produced a report on civil rights saying that it was separate and not equal, that equality of opportunity didn’t exist and that America was moving to two society’s black and white
Mexico Olympic protest 1968
Tommie Smith and John Carlos made the black power sign as the American national any=them played to show how they were American when they won the medal but when they went back they would be second class citizens
student nonviolent coordinating committee set up by college students after the sit ins
James Farmer
the leader of the congress of racial equality (core) and organised the freedom rides
inspired by Gandhi’s nonviolent approach
James Peck
a white civil rights activist who participated in the journey of recollection and the freedom rides
arrested more than 60 times for these actions
Jim Zwerg
a white civil rights activist who took part in SNCC events and later the freedom rides and when he was leaving a bus he was severely beaten and left to die
watts riots
took place in watts Los Angeles from the 11th to 16th August 1965
caused when an African American was stopped for suspicion of drunk driving
causing 34 deaths, 1032 injuries and 3,438 arrests
black panthers
originally created to protect black neighborhoods from police brutality but later took up arms and was eventually destroyed by the FBI
Stokely Carmichael
created black power slogan
later joined the SNCC
moved away from non-violence and moved to self defence
Emmett Till
a 14-year-old boy who was kidnapped and murdered for whistling at a white woman at a shop
Montgomery bus boycott
when the black community refused to go on the buses because they were segregated and eventually lead to the buses becoming desegregated because the bus companies couldn’t afford it
little rock nine
when 9 African American children attend the little rock school and are denied access and Eisenhower had to send in the 101st airborne division to escort the children