Civil Rights Flashcards
What famous march helped influence the Voting Rights Act, passed in August 1965?
March to Selma
What civil rights leader and clergyman organized the Poor People’s Campaign March on Washington, D.C. after the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.?
Ralph Abernathy
Who advocated “equality for every man, self-defense and self-help”?
Malcom X
What civil rights group was organized on Abraham Lincoln’s birthday in 1909 in New York City?
James Farmer was the co-founder and executive director of what civil rights organization?
Congress of Racial Equity
What journalist, newspaper editor and suffragist sued a Tennessee railroad for not allowing her to sit in the “Whites Only” first-class car when she had paid for a first-class ticket?
Ida B. Wells-Barnett
Booker T. Washington was opposed to the founding of what organization?
National Association of the Advancement of Colored People
Who founded the Organization of Afro-American Unity in 1964
Malcolm X
What African American lead became more willing to work with nonviolent civil rights organizations and liberal whites after experiencing a change of heart in Mecca
Malcolm X
What African American union organizer helped open the door for US congress to pass legislation outlawing job discrimination
Philip Randolph
What African American civil right activist founded the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Philadelphia, PA in 1816
Richard Allen
Which leading crusader against lynching founded the first black women’s suffrage organization, the Alpha Suffrage Club, in Chicago in 1913
Ida B. Wells-Barnett
Marian Wright Edelman is the founder and president of what child advocacy group
Children’s defense fund
What African American activist said “The content of one’s character is the important thing, not the color of one’s skin
Martin Luther King Jr
How long did the Montgomery bus boycott led by Martin Luther King Jr last
385 days
Who earned the nicknames “The Little Man’s lawyer” and “Mr. Civil rights” for his work on behalf of the poor and minorities
Thurgood Marshall
What do Roy Wilkins, Benjamin Chavis and Benjamin Hooks have in common
All have been executive secretary of the NAACP
Who was the chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee from 1966-1967
Stokely Carmichael
Who started the anti-Booker T. Washington campaign that led to the Niagara Movement and the formation of the NAACP
William Trotter
What woman was founding member of the NAACP, and also was the first president of the National Association of Colored Women from 1896-1900
Mary Church Terrell
Who helped find the southern Christian leadership conference in 1957, and severed as its first president from 1957-1968
Martin Luther King Jr
Who founded an economic program called PUSH (People United to save humanity) in 1971
Jesse Jackson
What African American lawyer battled segregation in the military and racist poll tax in the south
William H. Hastie
Who founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African communities league (Unia-Acl), this national first major African American nationalist movement
Marcus Garvey
Who was called the “ First Lady of Civil Rights”
Fannie Lou Hamer
Who is know as the mother of civil rights struggle in California
Mary Ellen Pleasant
What Chicago abolitionist led a 12-yr campaign to abolish the Illinois laws that denied African Americans the right to vote
John Jones
Who was responsible for securing equal rights for black troops during the Civil War
George T. Downing
Who urged Americans to keep hope alive I his speech at the 1988 democratic national convention
Jesse Jackson